Events ∓ Seminars

- Dicky Tanjung
- Indrawan Dwi Yuriutomo
- Maria Y. Eka Dewi
- Charvia Tjhai
- Juven Renaldi
- Aldilla S. Suwana
- Vinka D. A. Larasati
- Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani
- Raisya Majory
- Bima Danubrata Adhijoso
- Bianca P. Kadarisman
- Albertus Jonathan Sukardi
- A. Charlie R. Malessy
- Yan Diaz M. Siregar
- Medita F. Siregar
- Vivin Purnamawati
- Putri M. Ameena
- Olivia Karlina
- Dian Kirana
- Agung K. Sihombing
- Fadhira Mediana
- Kusuma W. Halim
- Velicia Khoswan
- Talitha A. Ekadhani
- Bagas Ananta
- Katherine A. Salim
- Shafira A. Hexagraha
- Eugenia Leonetta
- Alda L. Winarto
- Emilia Bunga P. Margaret
- Nathania Emily Lysandra
- Muhammad Lingga
- Rafi Adrian Rahadi
- Pasha Umar Hubeis
- Tsabita Nur Zhahira
- Tengku Adika Suryatama
- Laila Maghfira Andaretna
- Qafaldi Putra Ismayudha
- Ravi Amarendra
- Axel Cross
- Gabriela Eliana
- Shaunelee Alcinia Yanni
Febri Ariadi

Febri Ariadi is actively involved in a variety of projects at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate law, banking and finance, and mergers and acquisitions.
Prior to joining SSEK, Febri worked as a research consultant at a public policy company, where he was involved in numerous infrastructure projects in Indonesia.
Febri is a native Indonesian speaker and is fluent in English.
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