- Dicky Tanjung
- Indrawan Dwi Yuriutomo
- Maria Y. Eka Dewi
- Charvia Tjhai
- Juven Renaldi
- Aldilla S. Suwana
- Vinka D. A. Larasati
- Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani
- Raisya Majory
- Bima Danubrata Adhijoso
- Bianca P. Kadarisman
- Febri Ariadi
- A. Charlie R. Malessy
- Yan Diaz M. Siregar
- Medita F. Siregar
- Vivin Purnamawati
- Putri M. Ameena
- Olivia Karlina
- Dian Kirana
- Agung K. Sihombing
- Fadhira Mediana
- Kusuma W. Halim
- Velicia Khoswan
- Talitha A. Ekadhani
- Bagas Ananta
- Katherine A. Salim
- Shafira A. Hexagraha
- Eugenia Leonetta
- Alda L. Winarto
- Emilia Bunga P. Margaret
- Nathania Emily Lysandra
- Muhammad Lingga
- Rafi Adrian Rahadi
- Pasha Umar Hubeis
- Tsabita Nur Zhahira
- Tengku Adika Suryatama
- Laila Maghfira Andaretna
- Qafaldi Putra Ismayudha
- Ravi Amarendra
- Axel Cross
- Gabriela Eliana
- Shaunelee Alcinia Yanni

Albertus Jonathan Sukardi joined SSEK in 2019 after having interned at the firm. Since joining SSEK, Albertus has been actively involved in a wide array of matters and complex investment projects including mergers and acquisitions, real estate projects, antitrust merger filing compliance, and farm-outs of participating interests in oil and gas blocks in Indonesia.
Albertus’ recent representations include advising and assisting a global foundation in its acquisition of multiple forest concession assets in East and North Kalimantan; major restructurings of multi-finance companies; and frequent advisory services regarding the ever-growing legal framework for ESG and climate change mitigation efforts (including carbon tax and carbon trading) for both domestic and multinational clients.
Albertus is a frequent speaker at events, workshops and seminars, particularly regarding ESG, climate change mitigation, and financing and securitization. Albertus was a featured speaker at a HukumOnline event on carbon capture and storage and has helped lead in-house training sessions for several state-owned banks and finance companies.
At university, Albertus was involved in moot court competitions at the international level. He was president of the International Law Moot Court Society of the University of Indonesia Faculty of Law, where he organized numerous workshops and moot court training events for students.
Albertus is fluent in English and Indonesian.
- Assisted General Electric, Infineon Technologies, and other multinational companies with land sales and purchases in industrial areas.
- Assisted a global foundation in its acquisition of forestry concessions assets in North and East Kalimantan.
- Advised multinationals, domestic companies and foreign law firms on carbon trading regulations and ESG-related laws in Indonesia.
- Assisted Microsoft with its Indonesian data center projects, including power licensing issues on the land to be acquired.
- Advised a South Korean law firm and its client on a ruling from the Indonesian regulatory authority in relation to applicable customs and excise for the client’s products.
- Assisted an Australian law firm and its client in the refinancing of a A$270 million syndicated facility agreement.
- Assisted a global mining group in a refinancing with one of the largest private banks in Indonesia.
- University of Indonesia, S.H., 2019