- Dicky Tanjung
- Indrawan Dwi Yuriutomo
- Maria Y. Eka Dewi
- Charvia Tjhai
- Aldilla S. Suwana
- Vinka D. A. Larasati
- Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani
- Raisya Majory
- Bima Danubrata Adhijoso
- Bianca P. Kadarisman
- Albertus Jonathan Sukardi
- Febri Ariadi
- A. Charlie R. Malessy
- Yan Diaz M. Siregar
- Medita F. Siregar
- Vivin Purnamawati
- Putri M. Ameena
- Olivia Karlina
- Dian Kirana
- Agung K. Sihombing
- Fadhira Mediana
- Kusuma W. Halim
- Velicia Khoswan
- Talitha A. Ekadhani
- Bagas Ananta
- Katherine A. Salim
- Shafira A. Hexagraha
- Eugenia Leonetta
- Alda L. Winarto
- Emilia Bunga P. Margaret
- Nathania Emily Lysandra
- Muhammad Lingga
- Rafi Adrian Rahadi
- Pasha Umar Hubeis
- Tsabita Nur Zhahira
- Tengku Adika Suryatama
- Laila Maghfira Andaretna
- Qafaldi Putra Ismayudha
- Ravi Amarendra
- Axel Cross
- Gabriela Eliana

Juven Renaldi joined SSEK in 2017 after having previously interned at another prominent law firm in Jakarta.
At SSEK, Juven has been involved in a variety of projects, with a focus on mergers and acquisitions, foreign capital investment, disputes and litigation, and general corporate law. He has been involved in numerous due diligence exercises, including in connection with acquisitions in the natural resources sector.
Juven has extensive experience assisting clients with merger filings at Indonesia’s Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU).
Juven’s projects include assisting a Japanese powerhouse investor in the digital economy with its merger filing in Indonesia in connection with its global acquisition of a leading name in shared workspaces, acting for a multinational company in the acquisition of a mining and power plant company, and assisting a major Southeast Asian water company in a public-private partnership project in connection with the engineering, procurement and construction of a water supply system in Lampung.
While at university, Juven was actively involved in international moot court competitions.
Juven is a native Indonesian speaker and is fluent in English.