Year Category: 2019

Representations and Warranties in an Indonesian Real Estate Sale Transaction

By Denny Rahmansyah Indonesian law is silent as to the warranties that should be given in a real estate sale transaction, by both the seller and the buyer. Representations and warranties, as well as the buyer\'s remedies for the seller\'s misrepresentation, in a real estate sale transaction shall be freely agreed between the seller and Representations and Warranties in an Indonesian Real Estate Sale Transaction

SSEK Presents to EuroCham Indonesia on New Decree on Expat Workers

Stephen Igor Warokka, a supervising partner in the immigration law and work permit practice of SSEK Legal Consultants, gave a presentation to EuroCham Indonesia\'s Human Resources Working Group on the new decree on positions open for expatriate workers. Stephen was heavily involved in the process of helping to shape the contents of Ministry of Manpower SSEK Presents to EuroCham Indonesia on New Decree on Expat Workers

SSEK Partner a Finalist for Young Lawyer of Year at Indonesia Law Awards

Fransiscus Rodyanto (Frans), a partner at SSEK Legal Consultants, is a finalist for Young Lawyer of the Year at the 2019 Asian Legal Business (ALB) Indonesia Law Awards. Frans received his Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Economics from the University of Indonesia, and earned his Master of Laws from Leiden University in the Netherlands, SSEK Partner a Finalist for Young Lawyer of Year at Indonesia Law Awards

SSEK Gives Presentation to Indonesia’s OJK

SSEK recently gave a presentation to the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”) on the transfer of non-performing loans. The event was part of the OJK’s knowledge exchange program, which brings together members of the OJK and practitioners from leading Indonesian law firms like SSEK. About SSEK SSEK is a leading full-service corporate SSEK Gives Presentation to Indonesia’s OJK

Labor and Employment Law in Indonesia – Background Information on Applicants

There is no prohibition against background checks on job applicants in Indonesia. Employers in Indonesia can perform background checks on appliĀ­cants themselves or by using a third-party service. Certain background checks are, in practice, subject to the consent of the applicant. Medical Checks An employer can require a potential employee to undergo a medical examination Labor and Employment Law in Indonesia – Background Information on Applicants

Client Alert: Deadline Looming for Companies in Indonesia to Amend Articles of Association

Limited liability companies in Indonesia are being required to amend as necessary Article 3 of their Articles of Association (AoA) so their purpose, objectives and business activities conform to the 2017 Standard Indonesian Business Field Classifications (KBLI) used as a reference by the BKPM, as the agency overseeing the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. The Client Alert: Deadline Looming for Companies in Indonesia to Amend Articles of Association

SSEK Partner a Finalist for 2 Trophies at Indonesia Law Awards

Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri), a partner at SSEK Legal Consultants, is a finalist for Dealmaker of the Year and Woman Lawyer of the Year at the 2019 Asian Legal Business (ALB) Indonesia Law Awards. Vitri\'s practice includes mergers and acquisitions, debt restructuring and insolvency, dispute resolution and litigation, and foreign investment. Her recent projects include SSEK Partner a Finalist for 2 Trophies at Indonesia Law Awards

SSEK Proud to Support 1000 Days Fund and Indonesia’s Fight to End Stunting

SSEK is happy to announce its corporate sponsorship of the 1000 Days Fund and its campaign to address stunting and chronic malnutrition in Indonesia. The 1000 Days Fund works in 16 provinces in Indonesia. The NGO’s package of interventions is centered onĀ  height charts, which are installed in homes, and includes training and data sharing SSEK Proud to Support 1000 Days Fund and Indonesia’s Fight to End Stunting

Bodies and Functions Involved in Governance and Management of Indonesian Companies

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni The principal bodies and functions involved in the govern­ance and management of Indonesian companies under the Company Law are the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Directors (BOD) and Board of Commis­sioners (BOC). The BOD constitutes the company\'s management. The mem­bers of the BOD are the day-to-day operating officers of the Bodies and Functions Involved in Governance and Management of Indonesian Companies

SSEK Partners, Advisors Honored in Asialaw Guide to Leading Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK partners and foreign legal advisors have been recognized as leading practitioners in Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2020, a guide to the top lawyers in the Asia Pacific, as follows:   Dyah Soewito – Distinguished Practitioner for Corporate and M&A Ira A. Eddymurthy – Elite Practitioner for Corporate and M&A Denny Rahmansyah – Distinguished Practitioner for SSEK Partners, Advisors Honored in Asialaw Guide to Leading Lawyers in Indonesia