Year Category: 2017

SSEK Organizes Book Drive

SSEK Legal Consultants has organized an office book drive, with the collected books donated to Komunitas 1001buku, an Indonesian NGO that distributes donated books to underprivileged communities across Indonesia. Thanks to everyone at SSEK, we were able to collect close to 300 books in total, including children’s books and books for adults. The lawyers and SSEK Organizes Book Drive

SSEK Partner Denny Rahmansyah Features at Land and Property Seminar

Denny Rahmansyah, a supervising partner of SSEK’s award-winning land and property practice, was a featured speaker at a seminar on Indonesia’s land and property sector. Denny discussed the legal framework for Indonesia’s land and property sector, including land titles in Indonesia, foreign ownership of land, land acquisition, land-related taxes and recent developments in the sector. Denny SSEK Partner Denny Rahmansyah Features at Land and Property Seminar

Michael Carl of SSEK Discusses Indonesian Investment Environment at China Mining Conference

Michael Carl, an international legal adviser at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, was a featured speaker at the recent China Mining conference in Tianjin. China Mining has been held annually since 1999 and is one of the world’s top mining events. Michael is a supervising foreign adviser of SSEK’s mining practice. He advises multinationals and large Michael Carl of SSEK Discusses Indonesian Investment Environment at China Mining Conference

Seaports in Indonesia: Regulatory Developments

A number of regulations have been issued that are significant for the regulatory development of Indonesia’s seaports sector. We highlight the most crucial of these regulations. A. Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Regulation No. 146 of 2016 regarding the Amendment of Ministry of Transportation Regulation No. 51 of 2015 regarding the Implementation of Seaports (the Seaport Seaports in Indonesia: Regulatory Developments

SSEK Adviser Michael Carl Discusses Foreign Investment Regulation and M&A Transactions in Indonesia at LAWASIA Conference

Michael S. Carl, an international legal adviser at SSEK, was a featured speaker at the recent LAWASIA Conference in Tokyo. Michael discussed foreign investment regulation and M&A transactions in Indonesia. Michael joined SSEK in 2004 and has nearly 20 years of experience practicing law in Southeast Asia. Before joining SSEK, he was associated with the SSEK Adviser Michael Carl Discusses Foreign Investment Regulation and M&A Transactions in Indonesia at LAWASIA Conference

Anti-Corruption Developments in Indonesia

By Denny Rahmansyah According to the Annual Report of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi or KPK), the KPK carried out 96 examinations, 99 investigations and 76 prosecutions last year. Seventy cases were decided and received final and legally binding judgments. Judicial decisions were executed for 81 cases in 2016. These numbers show an Anti-Corruption Developments in Indonesia

SSEK Partner a Featured Speaker at HKHPM Indonesia Seminar

SSEK Legal Consultants senior partner Ira A. Eddymurthy was a featured speaker at a recent half-day seminar on Fair Business Competition in Legal Services in Indonesia, held in Jakarta by the Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants (HKHPM). Ira spoke during the seminar’s first session, along with the chairman of Indonesia’s Business Competition Supervisory Commission SSEK Partner a Featured Speaker at HKHPM Indonesia Seminar

SSEK Legal Consultants Celebrates 25 Years in Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants is celebrating its 25th anniversary as one of Indonesia’s leading corporate law firms. SSEK opened its doors on August 19, 1992, in the heart of Jakarta’s business district, with founding partners Dyah Soewito and Ira A. Eddymurthy, to provide world-class legal services to companies doing business in the growing Indonesian economy. The SSEK Legal Consultants Celebrates 25 Years in Indonesia