Expertise: Real Estate

Real Estate Disputes in Indonesia

Real estate is a very broad subject that touches many aspects of Indonesian law, e.g., administrative law, environmental law, construction law, civil law, agrarian/land law, etc. There is no arbitration facility or process specifically designed to accommodate real estate matters under Indonesian law. Disputes related to real estate are treated in a similar manner as Real Estate Disputes in Indonesia

Indonesian Regulatory Framework for Real Estate Investment Funds

In late 2015, the Indonesian Minister of Finance issued Regulation No. 200/PMK.03/2015 regarding Tax Treatment of Taxpayers and Taxable Entrepreneurs Using Specified Collective Investment Contract Schemes for the Enhancement of the Finance Sector (MOF Reg. 200). The stated aim of this regulation is to encourage the growth of real estate investment funding in the form Indonesian Regulatory Framework for Real Estate Investment Funds

Alert: Ownership of Homes or Residences by Foreigners in Indonesia

Indonesia issued Government Regulation No. 103 of 2015 regarding the Ownership of Homes or Residences by Foreigners Residing in Indonesia (GR 103/2015) in late December 2015. GR 103/2015 entered into force on December 28, 2015. The Government made the new ruling public earlier this week. No major changes GR 103/2015 does not introduce any radical Alert: Ownership of Homes or Residences by Foreigners in Indonesia