Year Category: 2022

SSEK Recognized for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific

SSEK Legal Consultants has been named a leading dispute resolution and litigation law firm for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2022. Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific is a guide to the region\'s leading dispute resolution and litigation law firms and lawyers. SSEK was ranked for Commercial and Transactions, Insolvency, and Labor and Employment. In addition to the SSEK Recognized for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific

Asia-Europe Law and Business Symposium

SSEK partner Fransiscus Rodyanto will speak at the upcoming Asia-Europe Law and Business Symposium, being held May 26 and 27. Frans is part of a panel on May 26 that will explore the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments across the region. The session will look at the regimes for the recognition and enforcement of Asia-Europe Law and Business Symposium

Alert for Employers in Indonesia: Time to Amend Work Rules

When the Indonesian Government issued Law No. 11 Year 2020 on Job Creation it amended and eliminated, among other things, general provisions on termination procedures and benefits previously stipulated by the Indonesian Manpower Law. The subsequent implementing regulations also specified new rules under the Job Creation Law. With these changes in mind, employers in Indonesia Alert for Employers in Indonesia: Time to Amend Work Rules

Guide to Labor & Employment Law in Indonesia

SSEK partner Syahdan Z. Aziz has contributed the Indonesia chapter to the 2022 Lexology Getting the Deal Through Labor & Employment guide. This quick reference guide provides local insight into labor and employment law. Syahdan, in the Q&A guide to Indonesia, discusses, among other topics, protected employee categories and enforcement agencies; worker representation; checks on Guide to Labor & Employment Law in Indonesia

SSEK Senior Partner Again Named to IFLR1000 Women Leaders for Indonesia

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Legal Consultants and one of Indonesia\'s leading corporate lawyers, has been recognized in IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2022, a guide to the world’s leading female transactional lawyers. This was the fourth consecutive year she was recognized. IFLR1000 Women Leaders are the most prominent female lawyers working in the SSEK Senior Partner Again Named to IFLR1000 Women Leaders for Indonesia

SSEK Collects Ramadhan Donations for Islamic Boarding School

SSEK Legal Consultants collected and donated money and lunch boxes for students at Pondok Sakinah in Cinere – Depok, West Java. The donation was made during Ramadhan, the Islamic holy month. Five SSEK employees visited Pondok Pesantren to deliver the donations, part of the firm’s commitment to giving back to the community. Pondok Sakinah was SSEK Collects Ramadhan Donations for Islamic Boarding School

SSEK Assists SYSTEMIQ on Local Waste Management Projects in Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants has assisted SYSTEMIQ, a systems change company, in its work with its partners in Indonesia to design and implement local waste management projects. These projects are designed and operated to be self-sustaining through the generation of plastic credits and other local revenue sources (e.g., household waste fees, material sales). Plastic credits are SSEK Assists SYSTEMIQ on Local Waste Management Projects in Indonesia

Free Webinar – Helping Businesses Navigate the Move to OSS Risk-Based Licensing

SSEK Legal Consultants and the Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) are offering a complimentary webinar, Helping Businesses Navigate the Move to OSS Risk-Based Licensing. SSEK partner Fransiscus Rodyanto and associate Bima Danubrata Adhijoso will help webinar participants understand the processes and features of Indonesia\'s new Risk-Based Online Single Submission (OSS) business licensing system. Date: Thursday, Free Webinar – Helping Businesses Navigate the Move to OSS Risk-Based Licensing