Year Category: 2021

SSEK Partner Discusses the Business Judgment Rule in an Indonesian Context

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Legal Consultants, was a featured speaker at a recent Hukumonline webinar, \"Application of the Business Judgment Rule Doctrine in Indonesia in Corporate Business Activities.” The event discussed the Business Judgement Rule as a form of protection for company organs that carry out their duties in accordance with SSEK Partner Discusses the Business Judgment Rule in an Indonesian Context

Fintech in Indonesia – AI and Distributed Ledger Technology

Presently, there is no specific law or regulation in Indonesia that addresses the use of artificial intelligence, including robo-advice. However, artificial intelligence is mentioned in Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 13/POJK.02/2018, dated 16 August 2018, regarding Digital Financial Innovation in the Financial Services Sector as one of the examples of digital financial innovation in Fintech in Indonesia – AI and Distributed Ledger Technology

SSEK’s Michael Carl Named to A-List of Leading Lawyers in Indonesia

Michael S. Carl, a foreign legal advisor at SSEK, has been named to the Asia Business Law Journal 2021 A-List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers. Michael has more than 20 years of experience in Southeast Asia, principally in Indonesia. His work is oriented toward mergers and acquisitions, technology, finance, insolvency and restructurings, and mining and SSEK’s Michael Carl Named to A-List of Leading Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK Leads Litigation Training for Indonesia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) recently led an in-house training session for the legal bureau of Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Vitri discussed litigation strategy in Indonesia’s administrative and civil courts. She touched on and presented case studies on topics including fundamental differences in the types of disputes in district and state administrative courts, SSEK Leads Litigation Training for Indonesia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry

Indonesia Oil & Gas Regulation – Import/Export of Natural Gas

Under Indonesian law, cross-border sales of natural gas can only be conducted if (i) the domestic need for natural gas has been fulfilled, (ii) there is insufficient domestic infrastructure, or (iii) domestic purchasing power is insufficient to satisfy the relevant gas field’s economics. Pursuant to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Regulation No. 6 Indonesia Oil & Gas Regulation – Import/Export of Natural Gas

SSEK Partners Lead Seminar on Risk-Based Licensing in Downstream Oil and Gas Sector

SSEK Legal Consultants has cooperated with PT Pertamina, an Indonesian state-owned oil and natural gas corporation, and the Indonesian Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises to offer a virtual seminar on risk-based licensing in the downstream oil and gas sector. The event was titled \"The Implementation of the Job Creation Law on Oil and Gas Activities and SSEK Partners Lead Seminar on Risk-Based Licensing in Downstream Oil and Gas Sector

SSEK Contributes Q&A Guide on Pharmaceutical Advertising in Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants partners Ira A. Eddymurthy and Winnie Y. Rolindrawan have contributed the Indonesia chapter to a multi-jurisdictional guide to pharmaceutical advertising laws and regulations. The guide provides a pragmatic overview of the law and practice of pharmaceutical advertising law. Each chapter covers current issues affecting pharmaceutical advertising in a particular country. In the Indonesia SSEK Contributes Q&A Guide on Pharmaceutical Advertising in Indonesia

SSEK Foreign Advisor Jonathan Streifer Named to A-List of Leading Lawyers in Indonesia

Jonathan M. Streifer, a foreign legal advisor at SSEK Legal Consultants, has been named to the Asia Business Law Journal 2021 A-List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers. Jonathan has more than 20 years of experience living and working in Jakarta as a corporate lawyer. He assists clients on strategic investments in the technology sector, infrastructure SSEK Foreign Advisor Jonathan Streifer Named to A-List of Leading Lawyers in Indonesia