Year Category: 2021

Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Directors and Board Composition

Under the Indonesian Company Law, individuals capable of performing legal actions can be appointed as directors, except individuals who in the previous five years have been:   Declared bankrupt. Members of a board of directors or board of commissioners found to be at fault in causing a company to be declared bankrupt. Sentenced for a Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Directors and Board Composition

E-commerce in Indonesia – Defamation

As a general rule, an electronic system provider in Indonesia must maintain a reliable and secure electronic system. Under Law No. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information and Transactions (the ITE Law), an electronic system provider shall be held responsible for the operation of its electronic system. However, in practice, it is difficult for system E-commerce in Indonesia – Defamation

SSEK and the Employment Law Alliance

The Employment Law Alliance (ELA) is a global network of leading labor and employment lawyers. SSEK is the ELA member firm for Indonesia. The ELA is the world\'s largest network of labor and employment lawyers, offering a comprehensive and cost-effective way for multinational companies to ensure legal compliance around the globe. The ELA network has SSEK and the Employment Law Alliance

SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s New Omnibus Law and Geothermal Resources

SSEK partner Fransiscus Rodyanto has contributed an article to Coal & Minerals Asia magazine. The article looks at the new Omnibus Law on Job Creation and its impact on the Geothermal Law. Coal & Minerals Asia is published by Petromindo, a leading supplier of information on Indonesia\’s petroleum, mining and power sectors. For more information, go SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s New Omnibus Law and Geothermal Resources