Year Category: 2019

Expatriate Work Permit and Immigration Updates for Indonesia

With the stated aim of supporting the national economy and expanding work opportunities through increased investment, the Indonesian Government issued Presidential Regulation No. 20 of 2018 (“PR 20“) regarding the Utilization of Expatriate Manpower on March 26, 2018, revoking PR No. 72 of 2014. The enactment of PR 20 led to the integration of the Expatriate Work Permit and Immigration Updates for Indonesia

SSEK Takes Part in Meeting with Indonesian Manpower Ministry on Expatriate Employees

SSEK’s Stephen Igor Warokka was part of a delegation from various chambers of commerce and non-chamber business associations who met with officials from Indonesia’s Ministry of Manpower (MoM) on Thursday, March 14. The meeting was to discuss the draft MoM decree listing the positions that can be held by expatriate employees in various business sectors SSEK Takes Part in Meeting with Indonesian Manpower Ministry on Expatriate Employees

SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants Advises on Real Estate JV

SSEK recently acted as Indonesian counsel to a foreign sovereign wealth fund that specializes in real estate investment and management services in connection with a contemplated joint venture with JustCo, Singapore’s largest co-working space provider, to develop co-working spaces across Asia. Specifically for the Indonesian aspect of the transaction, the client sought to acquire a SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants Advises on Real Estate JV

Does Recent Supreme Court Decision Give Pertamina Priority Over Expiring PSCs in Indonesia?

With the increasing number of Production Sharing Contracts (“PSCs“) that will expire in the coming years, discussion of PSC extensions and who has the right to operate expiring PSCs becomes unavoidable. In this regard, Indonesia’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (“MEMR“) first issued MEMR Regulation No. 15 of 2015 regarding Management of Oil and Does Recent Supreme Court Decision Give Pertamina Priority Over Expiring PSCs in Indonesia?

SSEK Partner Discusses Foreign Investment and Taxes in New Indonesia Investments Research Report

Rusmaini Lenggogeni, a supervising partner of SSEK\'s M&A and tax practices, was interviewed for Indonesia Investments’ February 2019 research report. In the interview, Rusmaini discusses, among other issues, the taxes foreign investors should be aware of before investing in Indonesia, taxes for foreigners working or living in Indonesia, the booming e-commerce sector and the related SSEK Partner Discusses Foreign Investment and Taxes in New Indonesia Investments Research Report

SSEK Advisor Discusses Property and Infrastructure Projects at Tokyo Conference

Michael S. Carl, a senior foreign legal advisor at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, was a featured speaker at the recent IBA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Tokyo. Michael was part of the session on \"Investing and Financing in Property and Infrastructure Projects in the Asia-Pacific Region, From Both an Investor\'s and Target\'s Perspective.” The session looked SSEK Advisor Discusses Property and Infrastructure Projects at Tokyo Conference

Indonesia Considers Opening Investment Opportunities for Foreign Universities and Hospitals

The chairman of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal or “BKPM“), Thomas Lembong, said on February 13, 2019, that the government was considering changes to the foreign capital investment rules for foreign universities and hospitals. According to Lembong, the changes being considered would open the way for foreign universities to open campuses Indonesia Considers Opening Investment Opportunities for Foreign Universities and Hospitals

SSEK Gives Presentation to GE Directors

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) delivered a presentation on February 25 to General Electric directors in Indonesia on the duties and liabilities of the Board of Directors. The presentation covered the organizational structure of companies in Indonesia, the appointment, resignation and dismissal of directors, the authorities of the BOD, and the potential liabilities of SSEK Gives Presentation to GE Directors

New Regulation Requires Taxes for E-Commerce Players in Indonesia

Prompted by the disparity in the tax treatment between traditional retail activities and e-commerce, on December 31, 2018, Indonesia’s Minister of Finance (“MOF”) issued MOF Regulation No. 210/PMK.010/2018 regarding the Tax Treatment of E-Commerce (“MOF Regulation 210”). MOF Regulation 210 purports to provide further clarity with regard to Value Added Tax (“VAT”), luxury goods tax, New Regulation Requires Taxes for E-Commerce Players in Indonesia