Archives: Our Attorneys

Albertus Jonathan Sukardi

Albertus Jonathan Sukardi joined SSEK in 2019 after having interned at the firm. Since joining SSEK, Albertus has been actively involved in a wide array of matters and complex investment projects including mergers and acquisitions, real estate projects, antitrust merger filing compliance, and farm-outs of participating interests in oil and gas blocks in Indonesia. Albertus’ Albertus Jonathan Sukardi

Bianca P. Kadarisman

Bianca Pinastika Putri Kadarisman is actively involved in mergers and acquisitions and cross-jurisdiction investment projects, including the establishment and licensing of foreign investment companies in various sectors in Indonesia. She has also assisted in the liquidation of several foreign investment companies in Indonesia. Prior to joining SSEK, Bianca interned at a boutique law firm in Bianca P. Kadarisman

Bima Danubrata Adhijoso

Bima Danubrata Adhijoso joined SSEK in 2019 after having interned at the firm in 2018. Since joining SSEK, Bima has been actively involved in multiple complex cross-jurisdiction investment projects, the establishment of foreign investment companies in Indonesia and numerous commercial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions. Bima has an exceptional knowledge of the Online Single Submission Bima Danubrata Adhijoso

Raisya Majory

Raisya Majory is involved in various projects at SSEK concerning general corporate and commercial matters. At university, Raisya was actively involved in international moot court and debate competitions. She participated in and judged several national and international parliamentary debate competitions, winning a number of Top 10 Best Speaker awards. She was also active in student Raisya Majory

Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani

Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani joined SSEK in 2018 shortly after graduating. Her practice focuses primarily on general corporate and commercial matters, including cross-border investment and financing transactions, oil and gas law, mining, shipping, and the pharmaceutical industry. Mutiara provides transactional and advisory services to various companies, from startups to multinationals. She recently assisted in conducting legal Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani

Vinka D. A. Larasati

Vinka Damiandra A. Larasati joined SSEK in 2018 after having previously interned at a prominent law firm in Singapore, where she worked on international arbitration matters. Since joining SSEK, Vinka has been extensively involved in a wide range of projects, including mergers and acquisitions, foreign investment, commercial litigation, arbitration, financing, and general corporate and commercial Vinka D. A. Larasati

Aldilla S. Suwana

Aldilla Stephanie Suwana joined SSEK in 2018. Her practice focuses on energy and natural resources, environmental law and climate change, in addition to general corporate matters, real estate and foreign investment. Since joining SSEK, Aldilla has been extensively involved in a wide range of projects, including environmental remediation and projects in the carbon trading, real Aldilla S. Suwana

Juven Renaldi

Juven Renaldi joined SSEK in 2017 after having previously interned at another prominent law firm in Jakarta. At SSEK, Juven has been involved in a variety of projects, with a focus on mergers and acquisitions, foreign capital investment, disputes and litigation, and general corporate law. He has been involved in numerous due diligence exercises, including Juven Renaldi

Charvia Tjhai

Charvia Tjhai joined SSEK in 2017 after having interned at the Indonesian subsidiary of a Japanese multinational pharmaceutical company. Charvia has represented major domestic and multinational companies in a variety of transactions. She has worked on mergers and acquisitions, payment gateway matters, foreign investment projects, and ecommerce projects, as well as general corporate and commercial Charvia Tjhai

Maria Y. Eka Dewi

Maria Yudhitama Eka Dewi is extensively involved in major transactions at SSEK and provides legal advice and representation in the banking, capital market, foreign investment, insurance, mergers and acquisitions, multifinance and P2P sectors for multinational and domestic companies. Her representations include Aetna, Allianz, MRT Jakarta, OVO, Pertamina, Prudential and Unilever. Maria’s projects include advising a Maria Y. Eka Dewi