Expertise: Technology, Media, & Telecommunication

SSEK Assists with Land Acquisition for Data Center Development in Indonesia

SSEK has assisted NTT Communications (NTT Com), a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, the largest telecommunications company in Japan and one of the largest globally, and PT NTT Indonesia Nexcenter with the acquisition of land in an industrial area outside of Jakarta. The acquired land will be used for the construction of what SSEK Assists with Land Acquisition for Data Center Development in Indonesia

SSEK Assists Leading Investment App in Entering Indonesia Market

SSEK has assisted PT Raiz Invest Indonesia in obtaining a Mutual Funds Sales Agency (APERD) license from Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK). Our work included drafting all the required documents for the APERD license and liaising with OJK officials. This was the first time in Indonesia that a foreign direct investment company had obtained an SSEK Assists Leading Investment App in Entering Indonesia Market

Peer-to-Peer Lending in Indonesia: A Regulatory Update

In February of this year, the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”) issued an updated checklist for peer-to-peer lending (“P2P lending”) platform providers (“Checklist”) registering with the OJK or applying to the body for a business license or change of ownership. The new Checklist introduces several changes to the previous checklist issued in Peer-to-Peer Lending in Indonesia: A Regulatory Update

SSEK Looks at E-Commerce in Indonesia in Strategic Review Magazine

SSEK’s Winnie Y. Rolindrawan wrote the cover story for the new issue of Strategic Review magazine. The story, “Revving up the e-commerce engine,” looks at possible regulatory changes and improvements to help maximize the role of online commerce in Indonesia’s economic development. Winnie Rolindrawan represents multinationals and major domestic firms in a variety of transactions. SSEK Looks at E-Commerce in Indonesia in Strategic Review Magazine

SSEK Successfully Assists Client with E-Money License Application

SSEK has assisted its client in successfully negotiating the document compliance process as part of its application for an e-money license from Bank Indonesia. As part of the due diligence exercise to support the client, the SSEK team ensured that the required compliance-related documentation was provided as required under the current central bank regulatory framework. SSEK Successfully Assists Client with E-Money License Application

A Lesson for Universities in Indonesia on IP and Data Protection

The need for robust protections for intellectual property (“IP“) and confidential data has become only more glaring as we stride fully into the digital era. This applies to companies and business sectors across the board, including the education sector. Universities generate a large amount of IP, whether generated by the universities themselves, including through research A Lesson for Universities in Indonesia on IP and Data Protection

New Regulation Requires Taxes for E-Commerce Players in Indonesia

Prompted by the disparity in the tax treatment between traditional retail activities and e-commerce, on December 31, 2018, Indonesia’s Minister of Finance (“MOF”) issued MOF Regulation No. 210/PMK.010/2018 regarding the Tax Treatment of E-Commerce (“MOF Regulation 210”). MOF Regulation 210 purports to provide further clarity with regard to Value Added Tax (“VAT”), luxury goods tax, New Regulation Requires Taxes for E-Commerce Players in Indonesia

New Regulation on the Certification and Labeling of Telecommunications Equipment and Devices in Indonesia

The Indonesian Minister of Communication and Informatics (“MOCI“) has issued a regulation that principally governs (i) the certification of telecommunications equipment and devices following the implementation of one-door licensing through the Online Single Submission (“OSS“) system, and (ii) product labelling requirements. MOCI Regulation No. 16 of 2018 regarding Operational Provisions for the Certification of Telecommunications New Regulation on the Certification and Labeling of Telecommunications Equipment and Devices in Indonesia