Expertise: Others

Indonesian Investment: Shift in FDI

Indonesia’s new Negative Investment List (DNI), the regime governing foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country, has introduced a number of regulatory changes seen as an attempt to boost capital inflows in some areas of the economy while closing others to foreign companies. Oxford Business Group (OBG), the global publisher and consultancy, says Indonesia’s new Indonesian Investment: Shift in FDI

SSEK Tees Off for Charity

SSEK sponsored the recent Canada Cup Friendship Golf Tournament at Sentul Highlands Golf Club. Almost 150 golfers teed off on May 22, 2014, to test themselves on the Gary Player-designed course, while raising money for two good causes. More than 66 million rupiah raised by the event was donated to Yayasan Sayap Ibu, Banten and SSEK Tees Off for Charity

SSEK Partner Recognized as Leading Lawyer in Indonesia for M&A, Banking, Capital Markets

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Legal Consultants, has been recognized by Who’s Who Legal as one of Indonesia’s leading lawyers in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, banking and capital markets. Ira is lauded by clients for her sophisticated knowledge of Indonesian law and her comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the commercial SSEK Partner Recognized as Leading Lawyer in Indonesia for M&A, Banking, Capital Markets

SSEK Celebrates World Book Day

SSEK celebrated World Book Day on April 23 by organizing an office book drive, with the collected books donated to worthy organizations that are helping to spread the joy of reading in Jakarta. Thanks to everyone at SSEK, we were able to collect close to 250 books. The collected children’s books were donated to Yayasan SSEK Celebrates World Book Day

Review of Indonesian Courts under the Supreme Court

By Mahareksha Dillon and Dewi Savitri Reni Article 24 of the Indonesian Constitution stipulates that two institutions have judicial authority in the country, namely the Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung or “MA”) and the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi or “MK”). These two institutions are independent of one another. Law No. 48 of 2009 regarding Judicial Authority (the Review of Indonesian Courts under the Supreme Court

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before: Commercial Activities under the Indonesian Outer Space Law

Space, the final frontier. Mankind entered the Space Age when Sputnik was launched into orbit in 1957. During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a full-fledged competition for supremacy in outer space through the Space Race. It was a race that Indonesia sat out. Now Indonesia is embracing the To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before: Commercial Activities under the Indonesian Outer Space Law

Indonesian Court Annuls Loan Agreement on Language Law: What Does It Mean for Your Agreements?

In a landmark decision on June 20, 2013, the West Jakarta District Court annulled a Loan Agreement entered into between a local borrower and an offshore lender because it was executed in English only. The decision is not controversial in our view since all agreements entered into by an Indonesian party with a foreign party Indonesian Court Annuls Loan Agreement on Language Law: What Does It Mean for Your Agreements?