Expertise: Others

SSEK Partner Recognized in Guide to Leading Women in Business Law

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, has been acknowledged in the 2017 edition of Expert Guides: Women in Business Law, a guide to the leading women business lawyers in the world. Lawyers were selected for inclusion in Expert Guides: Women in Business Law through peer nominations, independent research and peer SSEK Partner Recognized in Guide to Leading Women in Business Law

SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants at 25: A Look at Its History and Influence

SSEK Legal Consultants, one of Indonesia’s leading corporate law firms, celebrated its 25th anniversary on August 19th. SSEK has organized a number of events during the year to mark the anniversary and show its appreciation for everyone who helped make the achievement possible. Now Hukumonline, a leading source of information on Indonesian law and the Indonesian SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants at 25: A Look at Its History and Influence

SSEK Founding Partner Named Woman Lawyer of Year at ALB Indonesia Law Awards

SSEK founding partner Ira A. Eddymurthy was named Woman Lawyer of the Year at the 2017 ALB Indonesia Law Awards. The awards, hosted last week in Jakarta by Asian Legal Business, recognized the excellence and outstanding achievements of Indonesia’s leading law firms, in-house legal teams, top deals and dealmakers. Winners were selected on the basis SSEK Founding Partner Named Woman Lawyer of Year at ALB Indonesia Law Awards

SSEK Adviser to Feature at IBA Investing in Asia Conference

Michael S. Carl, an international legal adviser at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, will be a featured speaker at the upcoming International Bar Association conference on Investing in Asia. The conference will be held December 7-8 in New York City. It is co-presented by the IBA’s Asia Pacific Regional Forum and North American Regional Forum, and SSEK Adviser to Feature at IBA Investing in Asia Conference

SSEK Recognized as Leading Firm in Indonesia in 2018 IFLR1000 Financial and Corporate Law Rankings

SSEK has been recognized as one of Indonesia’s leading law firms across multiple practice areas in IFLR1000’s 2018 rankings of the world’s leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. SSEK received the highest ranking for its M&A and Restructuring & Insolvency practices. SSEK was also recognized as one of Indonesia’s top law firms for SSEK Recognized as Leading Firm in Indonesia in 2018 IFLR1000 Financial and Corporate Law Rankings

SSEK Organizes Book Drive

SSEK Legal Consultants has organized an office book drive, with the collected books donated to Komunitas 1001buku, an Indonesian NGO that distributes donated books to underprivileged communities across Indonesia. Thanks to everyone at SSEK, we were able to collect close to 300 books in total, including children’s books and books for adults. The lawyers and SSEK Organizes Book Drive

SSEK Legal Consultants Celebrates 25 Years in Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants is celebrating its 25th anniversary as one of Indonesia’s leading corporate law firms. SSEK opened its doors on August 19, 1992, in the heart of Jakarta’s business district, with founding partners Dyah Soewito and Ira A. Eddymurthy, to provide world-class legal services to companies doing business in the growing Indonesian economy. The SSEK Legal Consultants Celebrates 25 Years in Indonesia

Indonesia Takes Steps to Ease Licensing Process for Trade Companies

The Indonesian Ministry of Trade (MOT) has issued two regulations with the goal of simplifying the licensing process for companies and reducing the amount of time they must spend on such matters. MOT Regulation No. 7/M-DAG/PER/2/2017 regarding the Third Amendment to MOT Regulation No. 36/M-DAG/PER/9/2007 regarding the Issuance of Trade Business License (MOT Reg. 7/2017) Indonesia Takes Steps to Ease Licensing Process for Trade Companies