Expertise: Labor & Employment

SSEK Legal Consultants Invites You to a Free ELA Employment Law Webinar

The Employment Law Alliance is offering a free 90-minute webinar on Thursday, January 28 focusing on “Year in Review: Key U.S. Labor and Employment Developments in 2015 and What to Expect in 2016.”  Webinar Description There were significant labor and employment developments in the U.S. during 2015 and we expect to see at least as SSEK Legal Consultants Invites You to a Free ELA Employment Law Webinar

When Employees Leave: Non-Compete Agreements and Protecting Confidential Information in Indonesia

Indonesian labor and employment laws do not expressly impose or regulate non-competition obligations of employees with the exception of the Chief Representative of the local representative office of an overseas principal. However, Indonesian law recognizes the principle of freedom of contract. This principle is codified in Articles 1337 and 1338 of the Indonesian Civil Code When Employees Leave: Non-Compete Agreements and Protecting Confidential Information in Indonesia

Update: Guide to Background Checks in Indonesia

Employers in Indonesia regularly carry out background checks on applicants. Background checks are not expressly regulated by Indonesian employment laws, and certain background checks are subject to the consent of the applicant in practice. The most common background checks involve those on an applicant’s educational credentials, employment history and professional licenses, which, in practice, are Update: Guide to Background Checks in Indonesia

New Indonesian Manpower Regulation: Minimum Wage Formula and Use of Rupiah to Pay Employees

The newly released Government Regulation No. 78 of 2015 regarding Wages (GR 78) introduces several important changes, notably concerning the calculation of provincial minimum wages and the requirement that all employees in Indonesia be paid in rupiah. GR 78 implements Article 97 of Law No. 13 of 2003 regarding Manpower, and repeals and replaces Government New Indonesian Manpower Regulation: Minimum Wage Formula and Use of Rupiah to Pay Employees

New Manpower Regulation Eliminates Controversial Work Permit Requirements under MOM Reg. No. 16

The Indonesian Minister of Manpower (MOM) has just issued an amendment to MOM Regulation No. 16 of 2015 regarding the Procedure for the Utilization of Expatriate Manpower (MOM Reg 16/2015) under MOM Regulation No. 35 of 2015 regarding Amendment of MOM Reg 16/2015, dated October 23, 2015 (MOM Reg 35/2015). MOM Reg 16/2015 required (i) New Manpower Regulation Eliminates Controversial Work Permit Requirements under MOM Reg. No. 16

New Manpower Regulation: Foreign Domiciled Directors and Commissioners Must Have Indonesian Work Permit

By Indrawan Dwi Yuriutomo The newly issued Indonesian Ministry of Manpower Regulation No. 16 of 2015 regarding Procedures to Utilize Foreign Manpower (New Regulation) has replaced the contentious Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 12 of 2013 regarding the same (Old Regulation). The Old Regulation was known mostly for its provision that the Government would introduce New Manpower Regulation: Foreign Domiciled Directors and Commissioners Must Have Indonesian Work Permit

Indonesia: New Labor Regulations

By Mohammad Irham Indonesia’s Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (MOMT) has issued three regulations: MOMT Regulation No. 27 of 2014 on the Amendment of MOMT Regulation No. 19 of 2014 regarding Outsourcing Requirements dated December 31, 2014 (MOMT Reg 27/2014); MOMT Regulation No. 3 of 2015 on Standard Operational Procedures for the Issuance of Foreign Indonesia: New Labor Regulations

SSEK to Speak at Indonesia HR and Employment Law Seminar

Dicky Tanjung, a senior associate in SSEK’s employment law practice, will speak on Wednesday, July 29, as part of the two-day Indonesia HR and Employment Law seminar organized by Clariden Global. This two-day seminar, scheduled for July 28-29 at the Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta, is designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge of the Indonesian SSEK to Speak at Indonesia HR and Employment Law Seminar

SSEK to Speak at Webinar on Protecting Company Rights and Confidential Information

SSEK will take part in a free Employment Law Alliance webinar on Wednesday, March 11 titled, “What Employers in Asia Need to Know about Protecting Company Rights and Confidential Information.” Webinar Description Employers in Asia are increasingly facing questions of how best to protect confidential information and IP rights when an employee leaves the company. SSEK to Speak at Webinar on Protecting Company Rights and Confidential Information

Free Employment Law Alliance Webinar

The Employment Law Alliance (ELA) is offering a free 90-minute webinar on Thursday, December 4, on “Privacy v. the Employer’s  Right to Know: Hot Issues that Straddle the Can-Am Border.”  Program Description Workplace privacy continues to be an important focus for employers, particularly those who operate in both Canada and the U.S. While most businesses Free Employment Law Alliance Webinar