Expertise: Environment

Climate Regulation in Indonesia

SSEK partner Syahdan Z. Aziz and Aldilla S. Suwana and Albertus Jonathan Sukardi, associates at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Climate Regulation 2022. This multi-jurisdictional guide covers local legislation and main climate regulations, policies and authorities; national emission levels, limits and emission reduction projects; emission allowances Climate Regulation in Indonesia

Environmental Law in Indonesia

SSEK partner Syahdan Z. Aziz and Aldilla S. Suwana and Albertus Jonathan Sukardi, associates at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Environment 2022. This multi-jurisdictional guide covers local legislation and main environmental regulations; regulation of hazardous activities and substances; environmental aspects in M&A, public procurement and other transactions; Environmental Law in Indonesia

SSEK Lawyers Recognized in Chambers 2022 Guide to Leading Law Firms and Lawyers in Indonesia

Six partners and foreign legal advisors at SSEK have been recognized across five practice areas in the 2022 Chambers Asia-Pacific guide to the leading law firms and lawyers in Indonesia. The recognized partners and advisors are:   Ira A. Eddymurthy – Corporate/M&A Denny Rahmansyah – Real Estate Dewi Savitri Reni – Corporate/M&A, Dispute Resolution Michael D. Twomey – Projects & Energy, SSEK Lawyers Recognized in Chambers 2022 Guide to Leading Law Firms and Lawyers in Indonesia

Putting a Price on Emissions: Indonesian Government Plans to Impose Carbon Tax

Indonesia, together with other countries, has submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) its post-2020 climate pledges to reduce global emissions, known as intended nationally determined contributions. Indonesia has signed the Paris Agreement and ratified it through Law No. 16 of 2016. Following this action, Indonesia submitted its nationally determined contributions Putting a Price on Emissions: Indonesian Government Plans to Impose Carbon Tax

SSEK Featured at Webinar on Contaminated Land Management in Indonesia

SSEK\'s Dewi Savitri Reni and Aldilla Stephanie Suwana were featured speakers at a recent webinar, \"Key Success and Strategy: Contaminated Land Management in Indonesia.‚Äù It was hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia). There were speakers from SSEK, the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and AECOM, a leading global infrastructure consulting SSEK Featured at Webinar on Contaminated Land Management in Indonesia

Real Estate in Indonesia – Legal Liability

The owner or tenant of real estate in Indonesia may face environmental liability arising from, for instance, pollution, contamination or failure to manage hazardous and toxic materials or waste. Indonesian environmental law recognizes strict liability in the event of damages resulting from a person’s actions, business or activity that uses hazardous and toxic materials (B3), Real Estate in Indonesia – Legal Liability

Contaminated Land Management in Indonesia – Webinar

SSEK Legal Consultants is co-hosting an upcoming webinar, \"Key Success and Strategy: Contaminated Land Management in Indonesia‚Äù. This webinar will help participants gain a better understanding of the proper management of contaminated land in line with international and country guidelines and regulations. It will also showcase how sustainable remediation is one of the most strategic Contaminated Land Management in Indonesia – Webinar

MEMR Imposes New Abandonment and Site Restoration Obligations for Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas Activities

Indonesia’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (“MEMR“), after a long wait, has regulated abandonment and site restoration (“ASR“) activities, or post-operation activities, for the upstream oil and gas sector. MEMR Regulation No. 15 of 2018 regarding Post-Operation Activities in Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (“MEMR Reg. 15/2018“) came into effect on February 23, MEMR Imposes New Abandonment and Site Restoration Obligations for Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas Activities