Expertise: Data privacy

E-commerce in Indonesia – Data Protection and Privacy

In Indonesia, Ministry of Communication and Information (MOCI) Regulation No. 20 of 2016 on the Protection of Private Data in Electronic Systems (the Data Privacy Regulation) defines personal data as certain individual data, the authenticity of which is verified, sustained and maintained while its confidentiality remains protected. Any personal data may only be utilized within E-commerce in Indonesia – Data Protection and Privacy

Indonesia Data Protection Laws and Regulations – Processing Personal Data

The principal law governing data protection in Indonesia is Law No. 11 of 2008 regarding Electronic Information and Transactions, as amended by Law No. 19 of 2016 (“Electronic Information Law“). In addition to the Electronic Information Law, rules governing personal data protection are also found in Government Regulation No. 71 of 2019 regarding the Implementation Indonesia Data Protection Laws and Regulations – Processing Personal Data

SSEK Contributes Chapter on Data Protection in Indonesia

SSEK partner Denny Rahmansyah contributed the Indonesia chapter to the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Data Protection Laws and Regulations 2020. The guide covers common issues including relevant legislation and competent authorities, territorial scope, key principles, individual rights, registration formalities, appointment of a data protection officer and of processors.  

SSEK Managing Partner Quoted in Article on Indonesia’s Data Protection Bill

Denny Rahmansyah, SSEK’s managing partner, was quoted in a recent article by MLex on Indonesia’s data protection bill. Denny discusses the obligations of data controllers under the data protection bill and the bill’s extraterritorial application. He also touches on the processing of the data of Indonesian nationals outside of Indonesia. Denny has extensive experience advising SSEK Managing Partner Quoted in Article on Indonesia’s Data Protection Bill

Prohibitions, Restrictions Under Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Draft Law

A draft law on personal data protection (“PDP Draft Law“) has been signed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo and is being discussed by the House of Representatives. Several government officials have been quoted in the media saying they expect the PDP Draft Law to be passed and enacted in 2020. This article looks at some Prohibitions, Restrictions Under Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Draft Law

With GDPR as Guide, Indonesia Nears Major Changes to Rights of Personal Data Owners

Indonesia appears ready to enact a new law on the protection of personal data. A draft law on personal data protection (“PDP Draft Law“) has been signed by President Joko Widodo and is being discussed by the House of Representatives. Several government officials have been quoted in the media saying they expect the PDP Draft With GDPR as Guide, Indonesia Nears Major Changes to Rights of Personal Data Owners