Attorney in Focus: Rusmaini Lenggogeni

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Attorney in Focus: Rusmaini Lenggogeni
6 Juli 2017

After graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Indonesia in 1992, Rusmaini Lenggogeni joined SSEK as one of our first associate lawyers.

In 1994 SSEK sponsored Rusmaini to attend the Academy of American and International Law, Dallas in 1994 - starting an annual tradition that continues to this day.

Rusmaini also pioneered SSEK's scholarship program, and obtained an LL.M. in International Business Studies from the Washington College of Law, American University, Washington, D.C. in 1998.

Today, Rusmaini is a partner of SSEK, specializing in M&A and capital markets transactions, and is an active member of SSEK's management team.

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