Blog Category: Legal Updates

Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Foreign Investment Restrictions

Restrictions on foreign shareholders in Indonesia are set out in the Negative Investment List (DNI), as contained in Presidential Regulation (PR) 44/2016. PR 44/2016 lists areas in which investment by both Indonesians and foreign nationals is prohibited or restricted. In addition to PR 44/2016, the laws and regulations governing certain lines of business must be Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Foreign Investment Restrictions

Mining in Indonesia – Restrictions on the Processing, Export or Sale of Minerals

Mining companies in Indonesia must refine or process mining products domestically. Mining companies can construct their own smelter or enter a cooperation with other mining or smelter companies through the sale and purchase of ore or concentrate, or the joint construction of a smelter, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Mining in Indonesia – Restrictions on the Processing, Export or Sale of Minerals

Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Indonesia: Enforcement and Litigation

The Electronic Information Law, Government Regulation 82 regarding the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, and Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MOCI) Regulation 20 regarding the Pro­tection of Personal Data in Electronic Systems (jointly referred to as the PDP Regulations) do not provide much detail on the standards that must be established by regulators in Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Indonesia: Enforcement and Litigation

Legislative and Governmental Controls Applicable to Design, Appearance and Method of Construction in Indonesia

By Denny Rahmansyah Building construction in Indonesia must adhere to technical requirements as imposed by the government. Government Regulation No 36 of 2005 regarding the Implementation of Law No. 28 of 2002 regarding Building (GR 36/2005) imposes an \"intensity requirement” for the construction of a building, whereby a building must be constructed not exceeding certain Legislative and Governmental Controls Applicable to Design, Appearance and Method of Construction in Indonesia

Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Directors and Officers

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni Companies in Indonesia must have at least one director, except for specific companies whose business relates to the collection or management of public funds, and companies that issue acknowledgements of indebtedness to the public, which must maintain a Board of Directors (BOD) with at least two members. The Indonesian Corporate Governance Manual Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Directors and Officers

Corporate M&A in Indonesia – Scope of Due Diligence

There are no specific requirements or procedures for due dil­igence before acquiring a company. However, it is common and best practice for a bidder to perform due diligence on the target company before proceeding with an acquisition. In practice, the due diligence will cover the following:   corporate organization and general information; compliance with general Corporate M&A in Indonesia – Scope of Due Diligence

Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Shareholders and Voting Rights

In Indonesia, protections for shareholders and/or minority shareholders under the Indonesian Company Law are as follows:   A shareholder can file a claim at the district court against the company if they suffer unfair and unreasonable losses as a consequence of resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders (GMS), board of directors (BOD), or board Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Shareholders and Voting Rights

Mining Rights and Title in Indonesia

By Fitriana Mahiddin and Karisa Pangaribuan Indonesia\'s Constitution stipulates that Indonesia\'s natural resources are controlled by the state and must be used for the maximum benefit of the Indonesian people. Article 4, paragraph 2 of Law 4/2009 on Coal and Mineral Mining enables the government to exercise control over mineral mining activities. The government has Mining Rights and Title in Indonesia