Blog Category: Firm News

SSEK Advises Pertamina on Creation of Indonesian Oil and Gas Holding Company

SSEK has advised on the formation of the Indonesian Oil and Gas Holding SOE, a USD 4 billion deal that results in the creation of Indonesia’s largest state-owned holding company. The deal closed on December 28, 2018. SSEK worked on this two-stage deal since 2012. We represented the Indonesian Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises in the SSEK Advises Pertamina on Creation of Indonesian Oil and Gas Holding Company

SSEK Lawyers Recognized in New IFLR1000 Financial and Corporate Law Rankings for Indonesia

SSEK lawyers have been recognized in the IFLR1000 2019 rankings of the leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers in Indonesia. Six of SSEK’s partners and foreign legal advisers received the highest ranking of Highly Regarded for their financial and corporate law practices. They are:   Dyah Soewito – Banking, energy and infrastructure, M&A, SSEK Lawyers Recognized in New IFLR1000 Financial and Corporate Law Rankings for Indonesia

SSEK Highly Ranked in Chambers 2019 Guide to Leading Law Firms and Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants earned six firm rankings in the 2019 Chambers Asia-Pacific directory of the leading law firms and lawyers in the region, underling its standing as one of the elite corporate law firms in Indonesia. Four SSEK lawyers received individual rankings across four practice areas. SSEK was recognized as a leading firm in Indonesia for: SSEK Highly Ranked in Chambers 2019 Guide to Leading Law Firms and Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK Highly Ranked in New IFLR1000 Guide to Leading Law Firms and Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK has been recognized as one of Indonesia’s leading law firms across multiple practice areas in the 2019 IFLR1000 guide to the world’s leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. SSEK received the highest ranking for its M&A and Restructuring & Insolvency practices. SSEK was also recognized as one of Indonesia’s top law firms SSEK Highly Ranked in New IFLR1000 Guide to Leading Law Firms and Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK Managing Partner Discusses Foreign Investment Opportunities and Challenges in Indonesia

Denny Rahmansyah, the managing partner of SSEK Legal Consultants, recently did a Q&A with Asia Law Portal on opportunities and challenges for foreign investors in Indonesia. Denny discussed legal considerations for foreign investors entering Indonesia, capital requirements and the Indonesian real estate sector, among other topics. You can see the full Q&A here. Denny joined SSEK Managing Partner Discusses Foreign Investment Opportunities and Challenges in Indonesia

SSEK Partner a Panelist at Discussion on ‘Globalization Redefined’

Rusmaini Lenggogeni, a partner at SSEK , was a panelist at a recent event in Rome on “Globalization Redefined.” The discussion was organized by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and was held in conjunction with the International Bar Association’s annual conference. Rusmaini was on the panel for the session titled “The Next SoftBank.” This session examined the SSEK Partner a Panelist at Discussion on ‘Globalization Redefined’

SSEK’s Denny Rahmansyah a Finalist for Managing Partner of Year at ALB Indonesia Law Awards

SSEK’s Denny Rahmansyah is a finalist for Managing Partner of the Year at the Asian Legal Business (ALB) Indonesia Law Awards. Overall, SSEK has been short-listed for 14 firm, individual and deal awards, with the winners to be announced on October 4. Denny joined SSEK in 2001 and has been deeply involved in numerous major SSEK’s Denny Rahmansyah a Finalist for Managing Partner of Year at ALB Indonesia Law Awards