Blog Category: Events

SSEK Partner a Finalist for Young Lawyer of Year at ALB SE Asia Law Awards

Fransiscus Rodyanto, a partner at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, is nominated for Young Lawyer of the Year at the Asian Legal Business 2019 Southeast Asia Law Awards. Frans is the only Indonesia-based lawyer among the Young Lawyer of the Year finalists. The winner will be announced on Thursday, April 11. Frans received his Bachelor of SSEK Partner a Finalist for Young Lawyer of Year at ALB SE Asia Law Awards

SSEK Advisor Discusses Property and Infrastructure Projects at Tokyo Conference

Michael S. Carl, a senior foreign legal advisor at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, was a featured speaker at the recent IBA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Tokyo. Michael was part of the session on \"Investing and Financing in Property and Infrastructure Projects in the Asia-Pacific Region, From Both an Investor\'s and Target\'s Perspective.” The session looked SSEK Advisor Discusses Property and Infrastructure Projects at Tokyo Conference

SSEK Gives Presentation to GE Directors

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) delivered a presentation on February 25 to General Electric directors in Indonesia on the duties and liabilities of the Board of Directors. The presentation covered the organizational structure of companies in Indonesia, the appointment, resignation and dismissal of directors, the authorities of the BOD, and the potential liabilities of SSEK Gives Presentation to GE Directors

SSEK Leads Workshop on Joint Venture Agreements in Indonesia

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) led a full-day workshop on Wednesday, February 20, on joint venture agreements in Indonesia. The workshop, “Dissecting the Legal Aspects of Joint Venture Agreements,” took participants through the process of drafting joint venture agreements in Indonesia, including the essential legal terms for the companies in the joint venture process. SSEK Leads Workshop on Joint Venture Agreements in Indonesia

SSEK Partners Feature at APAC HR Employment Law Congress

SSEK partners Rusmaini Lenggogeni and Syahdan Z. Aziz will be featured speakers at the APAC HR Employment Law Congress being held May 6-7 in Singapore. With leading employment lawyers from 11 countries, the congress aims to help organizations strengthen labor compliance practices to better manage overseas workforces and employee-related matters.   The key focus of SSEK Partners Feature at APAC HR Employment Law Congress

SSEK Takes Part in Indonesian Compliance Event with Toyota Group

SSEK was recently invited to Medan, North Sumatra, to give a presentation as part of the Company Compliance Program of the Toyota Group. SSEK partner Fransiscus Rodyanto gave the presentation and engaged in a lively Q&A with representatives of 19 companies from PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia. Also attending the event were two officials from SSEK Takes Part in Indonesian Compliance Event with Toyota Group

SSEK Partners Featured Speakers at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia Event

Dewi Savitri Reni and Stephen Igor Warokka, partners at SSEK Legal Consultants, were featured speakers at a recent BPJS Ketenagakerjaan event in Bali. The two SSEK partners provided an introduction to Indonesian law to the audience of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan employees from across Indonesia. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is an Indonesian public legal entity (badan hukum publik) that SSEK Partners Featured Speakers at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia Event