Blog Category: Events

SSEK Hosts Webinar on Immigration Stay Permits in Indonesia in Wake of COVID-19

SSEK Legal Consultants recently hosted a webinar to discuss the latest information on immigration stay permits in Indonesia in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event featured speakers from the Directorate of Immigration Stay Permits at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. They discussed the implementation of Director General of Immigration Circular Letter SSEK Hosts Webinar on Immigration Stay Permits in Indonesia in Wake of COVID-19

SSEK Provides Online Training for Indonesia’s Pertagas

SSEK recently arranged a training webinar for about 300 participants from PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), a leading player in Indonesia’s midstream and downstream gas sector. SSEK founding partner Ira A. Eddymurthy opened the event. SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni gave a presentation on Joint Venture Agreements (JVAs), and Nico Mooduto discussed Joint Operations. SSEK also SSEK Provides Online Training for Indonesia’s Pertagas

SSEK Discusses Indonesian Bankruptcy Law

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) spoke at a recent ET-Asia webinar on Indonesian bankruptcy law and debt restructuring. Vitri is experienced in helping to guide companies through debt restructurings and the bankruptcy process in Indonesia. About ET-Asia  ET-Asia is a leader in organizing specialized training for corporate organizations and other partners.

SSEK Co-hosts High-Level Webinar on Indonesia – Japan Trade & Investment

SSEK, with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tokyo (KBRI Tokyo), the Indonesian Ministry of Trade and the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), recently hosted a high-level webinar for Japanese companies and investors doing business or interested in doing business in Indonesia. The webinar, “Indonesia – Japan Trade & Investment Post Covid-19: A SSEK Co-hosts High-Level Webinar on Indonesia – Japan Trade & Investment

Update on Immigration Stay Permits in Indonesia – Free Webinar with SSEK

SSEK is hosting a free webinar on Monday, July 20, from 10 am to 11:30 am. The event will cover the latest information on immigration stay permits in Indonesia in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Scheduled speakers from the Directorate of Immigration Stay Permits of the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Update on Immigration Stay Permits in Indonesia – Free Webinar with SSEK

Indonesia – Japan Trade & Investment Webinar

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tokyo (KBRI Tokyo), the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), and SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants are hosting a high-level webinar for Japanese companies and investors doing business or interested in doing business in Indonesia.   This complimentary webinar, \"Indonesia – Japan Trade & Indonesia – Japan Trade & Investment Webinar

Join SSEK and the Employment Law Alliance for a Free Webinar on the Reimagined Workplace

SSEK is speaking at a free webinar on Thursday, July 2, on the Reimagined Workplace: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Sri Lanka. The webinar is part of a complimentary webinar series offered by the Employment Law Alliance on employment law topics and global challenges affecting businesses of all sizes. The Reimagined Workplace series features legal experts Join SSEK and the Employment Law Alliance for a Free Webinar on the Reimagined Workplace

Free Global Employment Law Webinar Series on the Reimagined Workplace

The Employment Law Alliance is presenting a complimentary webinar series on employment law topics and global challenges affecting businesses of all sizes.  The Reimagined Workplace series features legal experts from around the globe in candid, direct conversations addressing your most important questions. The format is driven by interactive discussions and Q&A. Participants can submit questions in Free Global Employment Law Webinar Series on the Reimagined Workplace