Attorney Category: Associate

Qafaldi Putra Ismayudha

Qafaldi Putra Ismayudha has worked on a variety of projects at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate and commercial law. At university, Qafaldi was a delegate in two international moot court competitions, the 2021 Foreign Direct Investment Moot Court Competition, where his team was ranked Top 32 globally, and the 2022 ALSA International Moot Qafaldi Putra Ismayudha

Laila Maghfira Andaretna

Laila Maghfira Andaretna (Fira) has worked on a variety of transactions at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate and commercial matters, mergers and acquisitions, projects and energy, law and technology, especially data privacy, and projects and transactions in the e-commerce space. Fira graduated from Airlangga University in 2023 and was named Best Graduate. She Laila Maghfira Andaretna

Dara Alifyah Indriasto

Dara Alifyah Indriasto joined SSEK in 2023 and has worked on various transactions, with a focus on general corporate and commercial law. At university, Dara was a member of the Business Law Society focusing on banking and finance. Dara was a delegate to the 2022 ALSA International Moot Court Competition, an annual moot court competition Dara Alifyah Indriasto

Tengku Adika Suryatama

Tengku Adika Suryatama (Dika) has had experience in working various matters at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate and litigation matters. Prior to joining SSEK, Dika had the opportunity of interning at another of Indonesia’s largest law firms, assisting in matters such as working on an advisory to a potential foren investor on data Tengku Adika Suryatama

Tsabita Nur Zhahira

Tsabita Nur Zhahira has worked on variety of transactions at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate and commercial matters. While at university, Tsabita participated in international moot court competitions and was selected to represent her university and Indonesia at the 2022 Phillip C. Jessup Moot Court Competitions. Her team received several team awards, and Tsabita Nur Zhahira

Pasha Umar Hubeis

Pasha Umar Hubeis has worked on a variety of transactions at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate and commercial matters, real estate law, mining and mineral resources law, banking law, mergers and acquisitions, and trade law. At university, Pasha was active in international moot court competitions. He represented his university at the 22nd International Pasha Umar Hubeis

Rafi Adrian Rahadi

Rafi Adrian Rahadi joined SSEK in 2022 and focuses on corporate and commercial law. Rafi has been actively involved in a variety of matters related to capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, financial institutions, and state-owned enterprises. At university, Rafi participated in student organizations and competitions, including the Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Rafi Adrian Rahadi

Muhammad Lingga

Muhammad Lingga has worked on a variety of transactions at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate and litigation matters. At university, Lingga was active in various student organizations and competitions. He served as general secretary of the faculty of law’s Student Executive Body and represented his university at the 22nd International Maritime Law Arbitration Muhammad Lingga

Nathania Emily Lysandra

Nathania Emily Lysandra has worked on a variety of transactions at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate and commercial matters. At university, Emily was active in various student organizations and competitions. She was director of media and operations for the Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) International Board in 2020 and represented her university at Nathania Emily Lysandra

Emilia Bunga P. Margaret

Emilia Bunga Pertiwi Margaret has worked on a variety of transactions at SSEK, with a focus on general corporate matters. At university, Emilia was active in international moot court competitions, including the 2021 Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot and the 2022 International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot. Emilia is fluent in English and Indonesian.