SSEK Law Firm partner Nico Angelo Putra Mooduto was a featured speaker at a recent seminar, “The Impact of Local Court Facilitation on Seat Selection in Arbitration Proceedings.”
The seminar, held in Bangkok, was part of Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) ADR Week 2024.
Nico was joined at the event by fellow speakers Joseph Chung, a partner at Deacons in Hong Kong; Christopher Chong, a director (dispute resolution) at Drew & Napier in Singapore; and Noppramart Thammateeradaycho, a partner at host firm Tilleke & Gibbins. The seminar was moderated by Nicolas Tang, the managing director of Farallon Law Corporation (Singapore).
Speakers discussed the role of courts in Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand in facilitating arbitration proceedings. They also provided updates on current court orders or judgments relevant to arbitration in those jurisdictions.