SSEK Gives Webinar on Force Majeure and the COVID-19 Outbreak in Indonesia

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SSEK Gives Webinar on Force Majeure and the COVID-19 Outbreak in Indonesia
27 April 2020

SSEK recently led a webinar on force majeure and COVID-19 for one of its clients, a leading multinational building supplies company.

SSEK's Ira A. Eddymurthy, Dewi Savitri Reni and Mahareksha Dillon led the webinar, which was attended by more than 40 people.

They discussed, among other issues, force majeure clauses in contracts and the key requirements to claim force majeure, and whether COVID-19 is a force majeure event.

They also looked at the impact of Covid-19 on businesses and employees in Indonesia, and the relief available to companies affected by events.

With the COVID-19 outbreak having a serious impact on business in Indonesia, force majeure has taken on added significance for many companies.

SSEK can organize similar events to help companies stay up to date and respond to changing conditions as a result of COVID-19.

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