Join ELA and SSEK for Free Employment Law Webinar

Join ELA and SSEK for Free Employment Law Webinar
16 Februari 2020

The Employment Law Alliance is offering a free 90-minute interactive webinar on Wednesday, February 19, on \"Employment Law in Asia Pacific: A Year in Review.‚Äù

Experts from Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore will present an overview of current trends and what you can expect in the coming year including:

  • Significant employment law developments
  • Legislative changes
  • Court rulings during 2019

SSEK partner Syahdan Z. Aziz will discuss employment law developments and trends in Indonesia.


For more information about the webinar and to register, click here.

About the ELA

The Employment Law Alliance is the most comprehensive network of labor and employment attorneys in the world. ELA members provide employment, labor and immigration expertise in more than 135 countries around the globe and all 50 U.S. states. They work closely together to ensure that their clients‚Äô legal matters are handled seamlessly wherever they do business. ELA provides a smarter, more efficient and effective alternative to using a single multinational law firm.

SSEK Legal Consultants is the ELA\'s member firm for Indonesia.

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