Year Category: 2024

SSEK Partner Joins AmCham Indonesia Meeting with Deputy for Investment Climate Development

SSEK Law Firm partner Stephen Igor Warokka was part of an American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia) meeting with the Deputy for Investment Climate Development at the Ministry of Investment/BKPM. The meeting focused on the ministry’s priorities for enhancing Indonesia’s investment climate, including the planned revision of the government regulation on risk-based business SSEK Partner Joins AmCham Indonesia Meeting with Deputy for Investment Climate Development

Indonesia Mining Sector: Regulatory Changes Pave the Way for Local Empowerment

From nickel to gold, Indonesia is recognized as having one of the world’s largest mineral reserves. Given the importance of the mining sector to the nation’s economic growth and the global market, there is a need for more favorable regulation of Indonesia’s mining sector to ensure standards of compliance that protect employees, communities, and the Indonesia Mining Sector: Regulatory Changes Pave the Way for Local Empowerment

SSEK Celebrates 32nd Anniversary

SSEK Law Firm marked its 32nd anniversary on August 19. Since 1992, SSEK has set the benchmark for legal services in Indonesia, with our unwavering focus on client service and professional integrity. Thank you to our clients and all the members of the SSEK family, current and former, for their trust and support over the SSEK Celebrates 32nd Anniversary

Quick Look at ADR in Indonesia

The main alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods in Indonesia are mediation, adjudication and conciliation, with mediation being the most popular. Most Indonesian parties attempt to settle disputes amicably through discussion and negotiation without a particular ADR framework. ADR is commonly used in sectors such as construction and mining. Construction disputes are often settled through adjudication, Quick Look at ADR in Indonesia

Quick Guide to Employment Contracts in Indonesia

Generally, an employment contract in Indonesia can either be a fixed-term (definite) or an indefinite-term (permanent) contract. Fixed-term employment agreements are subject to stricter requirements compared to indefinite-term employment agreements. A fixed-term employment agreement must be in writing in the Indonesian language or in a bilingual format. Additionally, a fixed-term employment agreement cannot include a Quick Guide to Employment Contracts in Indonesia

SSEK Partner Mahareksha Dillon to Speak at 6th ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day

SSEK Law Firm partner Mahareksha Singh Dillon will speak at the 6th ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day in Jakarta on September 4, 2024. Mahareksha will be part of the panel on “Welcoming change of tides: New developments in arbitration law and practice in Indonesia.” The panel will discuss the changes introduced by Indonesia Supreme Court Regulation SSEK Partner Mahareksha Dillon to Speak at 6th ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day

Looking to Acquire a Stake in a Digital Health Venture in Indonesia? Understand the Due Diligence Process

Investors looking to acquire a stake in digital health ventures must undertake a comprehensive due diligence process that covers that covers the various key matters and issues, including corporate, licensing, IP and data protection. In terms of corporate matters, assessing the company’s corporate status and regulatory compliance is paramount. To establish a new joint venture Looking to Acquire a Stake in a Digital Health Venture in Indonesia? Understand the Due Diligence Process

SSEK’s Michael Carl a Panelist at PERADI-SAI National Seminar on AI

SSEK Law Firm foreign legal advisor Michael S. Carl was a panelist at the recent PERADI-SAI seminar on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement in Indonesia. The seminar was part of the 5th National Working Meeting (Rakernas) and National Seminar of the Indonesian Advocates Association – Voice of Indonesian Advocates (PERADI-SAI), held recently SSEK’s Michael Carl a Panelist at PERADI-SAI National Seminar on AI

SSEK Attends PERADI-SAI National Working Meeting and Seminar

SSEK Law Firm founding partner Ira A. Eddymurthy, partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri), foreign legal advisor Michael S. Carl, and associates Medita Siregar and Kevin Raihan attended the 5th National Working Meeting (Rakernas) and National Seminar of the Indonesian Advocates Association – Voice of Indonesian Advocates (PERADI-SAI). The event was held in Surabaya, East Java, and SSEK Attends PERADI-SAI National Working Meeting and Seminar

Deadline Looming as New BI Regulation Requires Payment System Providers in Indonesia to Allocate Human Resources Development Funds

On July 9, 2024, Indonesia’s central bank, Bank Indonesia (“BI”), issued a regulation setting out a framework to harmonize the development and implementation of competency standards in the field of payment systems. BI Regulation No. 5 of 2024 regarding the Standardization of Competencies in the Payment Systems Field (Standardisasi Kompetensi di Bidang Sistem Pembayaran or Deadline Looming as New BI Regulation Requires Payment System Providers in Indonesia to Allocate Human Resources Development Funds