Year Category: 2024

Directors’ Duties: Climate Risk and Sustainability Disclosures – Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm has contributed the Indonesia chapter to the Navigator on Directors’ Duties: Climate Risk and Sustainability Disclosures. The publication was put together by the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative (CCLI), in collaboration with the Climate Governance Initiative. Navigator on Directors’ Duties: Climate Risk and Sustainability Disclosures covers 30 jurisdictions. It is a comprehensive Directors’ Duties: Climate Risk and Sustainability Disclosures – Indonesia

Litigation in Indonesia: Challenging the Court’s Jurisdiction

Parties in Indonesia can challenge the court’s jurisdiction, which can be done by raising objections at the beginning of the legal proceedings in the form of an exception. These exceptions encompass:   Absolute competence, which challenges the court’s jurisdiction based on the subject matter of the case. For instance, if a defendant contends that the Litigation in Indonesia: Challenging the Court’s Jurisdiction

SSEK Wins 8 Awards Including Best Overall Firm at ABLJ Indonesia Law Firm Awards 2024

SSEK Law Firm was named a Best Overall Firm at the Asia Business Law Journal (ABLJ) Indonesia Law Firm Awards 2024, one of eight awards for the firm. SSEK was recognized for the following:   Best Overall Law Firms Compliance & Corporate Governance Data Compliance & Cybersecurity ESG Insurance & Reinsurance Labor & Employment Taxation SSEK Wins 8 Awards Including Best Overall Firm at ABLJ Indonesia Law Firm Awards 2024

Asia Business Law Journal

Best Overall Law Firms Compliance & Corporate Governance Data Compliance & Cybersecurity ESG Insurance & Reinsurance Labor & Employment Taxation Technology, Media & Telecommunications

Employing Foreign Workers in Indonesia

Under Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Regulation No. 10/2018, dated 11 July 2018, regarding procedures for the utilization of foreign manpower, employers intending to employ expatriates must have a foreign worker utilization plan (RPTKA). The RPTKA is a plan to employ expatriate manpower in certain positions for a certain period that is approved by the MOM. Employing Foreign Workers in Indonesia

Liability for Digital Health Products and Services in Indonesia

To comply with Indonesian law, digital platforms typically enter into an agreement with the healthcare facilities and/or healthcare professionals with which they engage and provide terms and conditions (terms) to be agreed upon by platform users. These agreements and terms typically specify the liabilities for the digital platforms and the healthcare facilities or healthcare professionals Liability for Digital Health Products and Services in Indonesia