Year Category: 2024

Indonesia Regulatory Update – Sharia Futures Commodity Trading

The Indonesian Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Body (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi or “Bappebti”) has introduced a sharia-based physical commodity market in the framework of strengthening the liquidity of commodity futures trading transactions and implementing an organized, sharia-based physical market. Bappebti Regulation No. 5 of 2024 regarding the Implementation of Physical Commodity Markets Based on Indonesia Regulatory Update – Sharia Futures Commodity Trading

Data Privacy in Indonesia and SE Asia – ELA Client Seminar

SSEK Law Firm partner Syahdan Z. Aziz was part of a recent Employment Law Alliance (ELA) client seminar on data privacy developments in Asia Pacific. The seminar, “Personal Information Protection Legislation and Practical Considerations in the Region,” was held at the Tokyo office of ELA member firm Ushijima & Partners. Lawyers from ELA member firms Data Privacy in Indonesia and SE Asia – ELA Client Seminar

Labor & Employment – Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm partner Syahdan Z. Aziz has contributed the Indonesia chapter to Lexology Panoramic: Labor & Employment 2024. This quick reference guide provides local insight into protected employee categories and enforcement agencies; worker representation; checks on applicants; terms of employment; rules on foreign workers; post-employment restrictive covenants; liability for acts of employees; taxation of Labor & Employment – Indonesia

Indonesia’s OJK Introduces Changes to Share Ownership Reporting

On February 28, 2024, the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”) introduced significant changes to the requirements for reporting ownership or changes in ownership of shares in a public company. These new requirements were introduced by OJK Regulation No. 4 of 2024, dated February 28, 2024, regarding the Reporting of Share Ownership Indonesia’s OJK Introduces Changes to Share Ownership Reporting

Exclusive Jurisdiction and CISG for Contracts under Indonesian Law

What are some types of disputes that must be resolved before Indonesian courts? What are some disputes that, although not mandated by law, should ideally be resolved in Indonesia? Indonesia not being a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), how is its contract law different from Exclusive Jurisdiction and CISG for Contracts under Indonesian Law

Investment in Indonesia: Unlocking Opportunities

Japan and Indonesia have a longstanding economic relationship. In 2023, Japanese investment in Indonesia totaled USD4.63 billion, making Japan the fourth-largest foreign investor in the country. SSEK Law Firm partner Denny Rahmansyah and associate Velicia Khoswan outline Japan and Indonesia’s economic ties, focusing on investment opportunities, policy reforms, and risks for Japanese investors entering Indonesia. Investment in Indonesia: Unlocking Opportunities

Remedies for IP Infringement in Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm partner Rusmaini Lenggogeni and associate Dian Kirana provide the latest information for Indonesia on intellectual property law, the nexus between competition and IP rights, and consideration of industry standards; competition law, including such issues as interactions with copyright exhaustion or first sale doctrines; merger review; specific examples of competition law violations; remedies; Remedies for IP Infringement in Indonesia

Digital Health – Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm has contributed the Indonesia chapter to Lexology Panoramic: Digital Health 2024. We look at the digital health legal and regulatory framework in Indonesia; data protection and management; intellectual property rights, licensing and enforcement; advertising, marketing and e-commerce; payment and reimbursement; and recent trends. Click here for Digital Health – Indonesia