Year Category: 2021


SSEK received a top-tier ranking for: Corporate and M&A IT & Telecoms Real Estate Restructuring & Insolvency Shipping In addition to five top-tier rankings, SSEK was ranked in the following practice areas: Antitrust & Competition (Tier 2) Banking & Finance (Tier 2) Dispute Resolution (Tier 2) Labor & Employment (Tier 2) Projects & Energy (Tier LEGAL 500 ASIA PACIFIC

Webinar on Indonesia’s New Investment List with SSEK and AmCham Indonesia

SSEK is collaborating with the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia) to offer a webinar on Indonesia’s New Investment List – What Businesses Should Know and Prepare For. This virtual event is scheduled for Friday, February 5, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. About the Webinar Investment in Indonesia is subject to Webinar on Indonesia’s New Investment List with SSEK and AmCham Indonesia

SSEK Partner to Speak at Hukumonline Event on the Job Creation Law

Hukumonline and the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (ILUNI UI) are organizing a three-day webinar on Analyzing the Substance and Implementation of the Job Creation Law (Manpower, Natural Resources and Special Economic Zone Sectors).  The virtual event is scheduled for February 2-4, from 9 am to noon.  Day 1 will SSEK Partner to Speak at Hukumonline Event on the Job Creation Law

Indonesia’s New Investment List – Summary of Draft Presidential Regulation

Investment in Indonesia is subject to the Negative Investment List, or DNI. The current Negative Investment List was issued in 2016 through Presidential Regulation No. 44 of 2016 regarding the List of Business Fields that Are Closed and Business Fields that Are Conditionally Open for Investment. There are three types of business in the 2016 Indonesia’s New Investment List – Summary of Draft Presidential Regulation

SSEK Lawyers Highly Ranked for Indonesia in Legal 500 Directory of Leading Firms, Lawyers

SSEK partners and foreign legal advisors have been recognized as Leading Lawyers across six practice areas in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021 directory of outstanding lawyers and law firms in Indonesia and the region. SSEK’s Leading Lawyers in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021 are:   Dyah Soewito – Projects and Energy; Shipping Ira SSEK Lawyers Highly Ranked for Indonesia in Legal 500 Directory of Leading Firms, Lawyers

SSEK Highly Ranked in Legal 500 2021 Guide to Leading Law Firms, Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK is ranked as a Tier 1 firm across five practice areas in the newly released 2021 Legal 500 Asia Pacific directory of the leading law firms and lawyers in the region. These rankings underline SSEK’s position as one of the elite law firms in Indonesia. SSEK received a top-tier ranking for:   Corporate and SSEK Highly Ranked in Legal 500 2021 Guide to Leading Law Firms, Lawyers in Indonesia

Fintech in Indonesia – Financial Regulation

Fintech products and services in Indonesia are mainly regulated by two government bodies, Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 19/12/PBI/2017 regarding the Organization of Financial Technology, dated 30 November 2017, regulates fintech activities that require licensing or registration in relation to monetary stability, financial system stability and payment systems, Fintech in Indonesia – Financial Regulation