Year Category: 2021

SSEK to Lead Market Entry Session at Webinar on Canada-Indonesia Economic Ties

SSEK partner Fransiscus Rodyanto will lead a session on entering the Indonesian market as part of an upcoming webinar on Advancing Canada-Indonesia Economic Relations. This free webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, from 9-11 am (Jakarta time). To register, go here. The webinar will: Provide an update on the business environment and opportunities in Indonesia. SSEK to Lead Market Entry Session at Webinar on Canada-Indonesia Economic Ties

Fintech in Indonesia – P2P Lending and Crowdfunding

Peer-to-peer lending is specifically regulated in Indonesia under Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 77/POJK.01/2016 regarding Information Technology-Based Money Lending Services, dated 29 December 2016. It provides the OJK the right to regulate and supervise peer-to-peer lending activities, including handling the registration and licensing of peer-to-peer lending platform providers. Peer-to-peer lending in Indonesia is described Fintech in Indonesia – P2P Lending and Crowdfunding

SSEK’s Michael Carl to Speak at Webinar on Restructuring Indonesian Companies

Michael S. Carl, a foreign legal advisor at SSEK, is a scheduled speaker at an upcoming webinar, Utilising Singapore (and Other Offshore Jurisdictions) to Restructure Indonesian Companies. The webinar is scheduled for Monday, March 29. It is organized by INSOL International and the Asian Business Law Institute. Event Overview Singapore is emerging as the jurisdiction SSEK’s Michael Carl to Speak at Webinar on Restructuring Indonesian Companies

Join SSEK for Exclusive Indonesia Employment Law Masterclass

Indonesia has passed the sweeping Job Creation Law and implementing regulations, introducing fundamental changes to Indonesia\'s employment law regime. If you have employees in Indonesia, understanding and mastering these changes is essential. Join SSEK Legal Consultants partners Rusmaini Lenggogeni and Syahdan Z. Aziz for a virtual Indonesia HR Employment Law Masterclass on Thursday, April 15. Join SSEK for Exclusive Indonesia Employment Law Masterclass

The Indonesia Adventure – SSEK’s Michael Carl Speaks with the Asian Business Law Institute

Being close neighbours, Indonesia and Singapore have extensive economic and human ties, and many businesses in one of the countries have operations or presence in the other. Catherine Shen of the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) spoke to Michael S. Carl, Senior Foreign Legal Adviser at SSEK Legal Consultants, on his first-hand observations of the The Indonesia Adventure – SSEK’s Michael Carl Speaks with the Asian Business Law Institute

SSEK Partner to Moderate Webinar on Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and the Employment Law Regime

Dewi Savitri Reni, a partner at SSEK, will moderate a webinar on changes to the Indonesian employment law regime under the Omnibus Law (Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation). The webinar is scheduled for Monday, March 22. It is organized by PERADI in collaboration with ET-Asia. The webinar will discuss new employment regulations SSEK Partner to Moderate Webinar on Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and the Employment Law Regime

E-commerce in Indonesia – Data Protection and Privacy

In Indonesia, Ministry of Communication and Information (MOCI) Regulation No. 20 of 2016 on the Protection of Private Data in Electronic Systems (the Data Privacy Regulation) defines personal data as certain individual data, the authenticity of which is verified, sustained and maintained while its confidentiality remains protected. Any personal data may only be utilized within E-commerce in Indonesia – Data Protection and Privacy