Year Category: 2020

Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Shareholder Meetings

There are statutory restrictions in Indonesia on the quorum of general meetings of shareholders (GMS). A GMS can be held and is entitled to adopt resolutions if shareholders representing more than half of the company’s shares with voting rights attend or are represented at the meeting, unless the articles of association (AOA) require a higher Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Shareholder Meetings

E-commerce in Indonesia – Domain Names

Registration of a domain name in Indonesia is administered on a first-come, first-served basis. The process, which is straightforward, is initiated by the domain name user submitting an application along with the required supporting documents to the domain name registrar. The domain name registration process shall not take more than five business days after a E-commerce in Indonesia – Domain Names

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law Puts Focus on Direct Use of Geothermal Resources

The Indonesian Government enacted Law No. 11 of 2020 regarding Jobs Creation (the “Omnibus Law“) on November 2, 2020. The stated aim of the Omnibus Law is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Law amends various Indonesia’s Omnibus Law Puts Focus on Direct Use of Geothermal Resources

SSEK Featured at Online Law Festival for Startups and SMEs in Indonesia

Dewi Savitri Reni, a partner at SSEK Legal Consultants, and SSEK associates Bima Danubrata Adhijoso and Charlie Malessy were featured speakers at a recent online law festival for startups and small and medium enterprises in Indonesia. The three-day event was organized by Hukumonline, a leading online provider of legal products and services in Indonesia. The SSEK Featured at Online Law Festival for Startups and SMEs in Indonesia

Webinar – Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: Simplifying Business Licensing and Investment Requirements

SSEK, in collaboration with the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia), invites you to a webinar on “Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: Simplifying Business Licensing and Investment Requirements.” The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1. The Omnibus Law is intended to bolster investment and create jobs by improving the ease of doing business in Webinar – Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: Simplifying Business Licensing and Investment Requirements