Year Category: 2018

SSEK Advisor Discusses Bancassurance in Indonesia at Asia Insurance Review Conference

Michael S. Carl, an international legal adviser at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, was a featured speaker at the 19th Asia Conference on Bancassurance & Alternative Distribution Channels, organized by Asia Insurance Review. The conference was held 10-11 May in Manila, Philippines. You can find Michael\'s presentation on bancassurance in Indonesia here. Michael joined SSEK in SSEK Advisor Discusses Bancassurance in Indonesia at Asia Insurance Review Conference

SSEK Lawyers Named to Asia Business Law Journal A-List of Indonesian Lawyers

SSEK partners and foreign legal advisors have been named to Asia Business Law Journal’s A-List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers. SSEK’s A-List lawyers are founding partners Dyah Soewito and Ira A. Eddymurthy, and foreign legal advisors Michael D. Twomey, Jonathan M. Streifer and Michael S. Carl. The A-List of Indonesia leading lawyers was compiled based SSEK Lawyers Named to Asia Business Law Journal A-List of Indonesian Lawyers

SSEK Hosts Seminar with Indonesian Corporate Counsel Association

SSEK Legal Consultants welcomed members of the Indonesian Corporate Counsel Association (ICCA) on Wednesday, May 9 for a seminar and discussions on a number of legal topics. SSEK partners Dewi Savitri Reni and Fransiscus Rodyanto gave presentations and led discussions on confidentiality agreements, Indonesia\'s new beneficial ownership regulation and other recent legal developments. The event SSEK Hosts Seminar with Indonesian Corporate Counsel Association

New Regulation in Indonesia on the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas with Expiring PSCs

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has issued MEMR Regulation No. 23 of 2018 regarding the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas which Production Sharing Contract Will Expire dated April 24, 2018 (MEMR Reg 23/2018). MEMR Reg 23/2018 revokes MEMR Regulation No. 15 of 2015 regarding the Management of Oil and Gas New Regulation in Indonesia on the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas with Expiring PSCs

Bank Indonesia Sets New Limits for the Provision of E-Money

Bank Indonesia (“BI”) has issued a long-anticipated regulation on e-money that stipulates a number of requirements and prohibitions that were previously unregulated. The new regulation, BI Regulation No. 20/6/PBI/2018 regarding Electronic Money (“BI Reg 20”), revokes all existing BI e-money regulations. E-Money Classification BI Reg 20 opens with an explicit classification of e-money based on Bank Indonesia Sets New Limits for the Provision of E-Money

Questions Remain Around Halal Certification Compliance in Indonesia

By Winnie Y. Rolindrawan The Indonesian government issued Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (the \"Halal Law”) in 2014. This was seen as an important piece of legislation, considering that Indonesia is home to the world\'s largest Muslim population and halal refers to what is permissible under Islamic law. The Halal Law Questions Remain Around Halal Certification Compliance in Indonesia

SSEK Advisor to Speak at Bancassurance Conference

Michael S. Carl, an international legal adviser at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, will be a featured speaker at the 19th Asia Conference on Bancassurance & Alternative Distribution Channels, organized by Asia Insurance Review. The conference will be held 10-11 May in Manila, Philippines. The conference allows banks, insurers, insurtechs, strategic partners and international top leaders SSEK Advisor to Speak at Bancassurance Conference

SSEK Partner Fransiscus Rodyanto Speaks about New Indonesian Regulation on Beneficial Ownership

SSEK partner Fransiscus Rodyanto was quoted extensively in an article by International Financial Law Review (IFLR), a leading online and print financial law publication, on Indonesia\'s new regulation on beneficial ownership. Indonesia\'s president recently issued Presidential Regulation No. 13 of 2018 regarding the Implementation of the Principle on Recognizing Beneficial Ownership of Corporations in the SSEK Partner Fransiscus Rodyanto Speaks about New Indonesian Regulation on Beneficial Ownership