Year Category: 2018

Indonesia: What Licenses Can Still Be Processed at BKPM Post-OSS?

With the introduction of the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, as regulated under Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018 on Integrated Business Licensing Services through Electronic System (GR 24/2018), the issuance and supervision of a significant portion of capital investment licensing has been transferred from the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and several other government Indonesia: What Licenses Can Still Be Processed at BKPM Post-OSS?

Belt and Road: Indonesia

By Michael S. Carl and Charvia Tjhai Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia, predicted to be the fifth-largest economy in the world by 2030, and is the fourth-most populous country in the world, with a young, energetic workforce and a large and growing middle class. Indonesia has made deregulating its economy a focus Belt and Road: Indonesia

SSEK Leads Legal Training on Data Protection

SSEK’s managing partner, Denny Rahmansyah, led a legal training session on data protection for the board of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk, one of the largest cement producers in Indonesia. The training included Indonesian regulations on handling and transferring personal data, including the personal data of employees, and data localization requirements for companies in Indonesia. SSEK Leads Legal Training on Data Protection

SSEK Advises WeWork on Its First Two Jakarta Locations

SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants has advised WeWork, a US multinational that provides shared workspaces and services for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, small businesses and large enterprises, on the opening of its first two locations in Jakarta, part of WeWork\'s expansion into Southeast Asia. The new locations are Sinarmas MSIG Tower, a location that will cater to SSEK Advises WeWork on Its First Two Jakarta Locations

Franchise Agreements in Indonesia

A franchise, under Indonesian regulations, is defined as a special right owned by an individual or a legal entity to a unique business system that has proven successful in selling goods and/or services, and can be used by another party based on a Franchise Agreement. Franchise Agreement A franchisor in Indonesia must deliver a draft Franchise Agreements in Indonesia

Free Employment Law Alliance Webinar on Sexual Harassment among the Global Workforce

The Employment Law Alliance (ELA) is offering a free 90-minute webinar on Thursday, July 12 on Sexual Harassment among the Global Workforce: An HR Law Perspective in the United States. As a global network of the world\'s leading employment law attorneys, the Employment Law Alliance is well positioned to garner insight into the impact workplace Free Employment Law Alliance Webinar on Sexual Harassment among the Global Workforce

Indonesia Introduces New Tariff Regime for Renewable Energies

The Indonesian government has introduced a new tariff regime for renewable energies. The new regime gives the Indonesian state power company, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (“PLN”), greater control over tariffs in the sector through business-to-business negotiations and benchmarking against the applicable Electricity Generation Basic Cost (Biaya Pokok Penyediaan Pembangkitan or “BPP”). The new tariff regime Indonesia Introduces New Tariff Regime for Renewable Energies

SSEK Named a Benchmark Litigation Leading Firm for Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants has been named a leading litigation and dispute resolution firm for Indonesia in the Benchmark Litigation 2018 rankings. Benchmark, a leading publisher of guides to the world\'s top litigation and disputes law firms and attorneys, notes that SSEK\'s core litigation strengths include its restructuring and insolvency, and competition offerings. In addition to SSEK Named a Benchmark Litigation Leading Firm for Indonesia

SSEK Senior Partner Ira Eddymurthy Profiled on Hukumonline Indonesia

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, was recently the subject of a lengthy profile on Hukumonline, a leading online provider of legal products and services in Indonesia. The profile traces Ira\'s career trajectory over the last 30-plus years, from her first job out of law school to helping found SSEK SSEK Senior Partner Ira Eddymurthy Profiled on Hukumonline Indonesia