Expertise: Technology, Media, & Telecommunication

SSEK Contributes Chapter on Data Protection in Indonesia

SSEK partner Denny Rahmansyah contributed the Indonesia chapter to the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Data Protection Laws and Regulations 2020. The guide covers common issues including relevant legislation and competent authorities, territorial scope, key principles, individual rights, registration formalities, appointment of a data protection officer and of processors.  

SSEK Speaks at Webinar on Fintech Lending and Corporate Governance

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni and senior associate Mahareksha S. Dillon were featured speakers at a recent webinar on Fintech Lending: Risk Management and Compliance. The webinar, part of a series, was organized by Platform Ringan (part of the PingAn Insurance Group), an information technology-based lending and borrowing platform registered with Indonesia\'s Financial Services Authority SSEK Speaks at Webinar on Fintech Lending and Corporate Governance

E-commerce in Indonesia – Electronic Signatures

Indonesia acknowledges digital signatures or e-signatures as a valid signature, regulated by Government Regulation No. 71 of 2019 on the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions (the Electronic Transaction Regulation). Under the Electronic Transaction Regulation, “digital signature” is defined as a signature comprising electronic information attached, associated or related to other electronic information used as E-commerce in Indonesia – Electronic Signatures

E-commerce in Indonesia – Legal and Regulatory Framework

The Indonesian government initially adopted a conservative and relatively traditional approach to regulating internet-based activities. Prior to 2008, there was no legislation or guidelines in Indonesia that regulated the internet and how electronic information was offered and consumed, for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. In the five to seven years before 2008, Indonesia experienced the E-commerce in Indonesia – Legal and Regulatory Framework

SSEK to Speak at AmCham Indonesia Event on E-Commerce

SSEK will speak at an upcoming American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia) event on e-commerce. The AmCham Indonesia Economic Forum, titled “Deeper Look into Indonesian E-Commerce Regulations – What Are the implications?” is scheduled for Thursday, August 13, beginning at 10 am. The forum will take a deeper look at Indonesian e-commerce regulations, SSEK to Speak at AmCham Indonesia Event on E-Commerce

SSEK Partner Contributes Q&A Guides on Email Marketing Compliance and Consent and Disclosures

Denny Rahmansyah, the managing partner of SSEK Legal Consultants, has contributed Q&A guides to Practical Law Data Privacy Advisor on Email Marketing Compliance and Email Marketing Consent and Disclosures in Indonesia. The Q&A guide on Email Marketing Compliance provides a high-level summary of email marketing (spam) compliance requirements in Indonesia. It addresses requirements for opt-in SSEK Partner Contributes Q&A Guides on Email Marketing Compliance and Consent and Disclosures

Indonesia Looks to Regulate Private Electronic System Organizers

The Indonesian Minister of Communication and Informatics (“MOCI“) is working on a draft regulation on the governance of private scope electronic system organizers (the “Draft Regulation“). If enacted, the Draft Regulation would have a significant impact on how electronic system organizers (“ESOs“), specifically private scope ESOs (“Private ESOs“), implement their activities in Indonesia. It could Indonesia Looks to Regulate Private Electronic System Organizers

Indonesia Introduces New Requirements for E-Commerce Companies

The Indonesian Minister of Trade (“MOT“) has issued a regulation that seeks to clarify many of the issues associated with doing business in the country’s booming e-commerce sector, while at the same time imposing new requirements on both foreign and domestic e-commerce companies selling goods and services in Indonesia through online platforms. This new regulation Indonesia Introduces New Requirements for E-Commerce Companies

SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s Move to Tax Digital Goods and Services

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) contributed an article on Indonesia’s imposition of VAT on digital goods and services to the new issue of Asian-MENA Counsel magazine. Vitri looks at the new Indonesian Minister of Finance regulation on the collection, deposit and reporting of VAT for the use in Indonesia of intangible taxable goods and SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s Move to Tax Digital Goods and Services