Expertise: Risk Management & Compliance

Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Relationship Between Companies and Shareholders

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni Shareholders, since they provide the capital for the company, shall have rights and responsibilities toward the company in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in Indonesia and the Articles of Association (AOA) of the company. Although shareholders do not par­ticipate directly in the management or supervision of the company, they are Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Relationship Between Companies and Shareholders

SSEK Contributes Indonesia Chapter to Bribery and Corruption Enforcement Guide

Denny Rahmansyah, a partner in SSEK\'s risk management and compliance practice, and Nico Mooduto, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to Global Legal Insights to: Bribery & Corruption 2020. Denny and Nico provide an overview of the legal and enforcement regime in Indonesia, discuss key issues relating to investigation and enforcement procedures, SSEK Contributes Indonesia Chapter to Bribery and Corruption Enforcement Guide

Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Directors and Officers

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni Companies in Indonesia must have at least one director, except for specific companies whose business relates to the collection or management of public funds, and companies that issue acknowledgements of indebtedness to the public, which must maintain a Board of Directors (BOD) with at least two members. The Indonesian Corporate Governance Manual Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Directors and Officers

Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Types of Decisions Made by Governing Bodies

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni Pursuant to the provisions set out in the Indonesian Company Law, the Board of Directors (BOD), Board of Commissioners (BOC) and shareholders of companies in Indonesia have separate duties and func­tions. The members of the BOD are the day-to-day operat­ing officers of the company. The Company Law gives the BOD the right Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Types of Decisions Made by Governing Bodies

Bodies and Functions Involved in Governance and Management of Indonesian Companies

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni The principal bodies and functions involved in the govern­ance and management of Indonesian companies under the Company Law are the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Directors (BOD) and Board of Commis­sioners (BOC). The BOD constitutes the company\'s management. The mem­bers of the BOD are the day-to-day operating officers of the Bodies and Functions Involved in Governance and Management of Indonesian Companies

SSEK Leads e-Money and Anti-Money Laundering Training

SSEK recently led a half-day corporate legal training event on electronic money and anti-money laundering in Indonesia. The training was provided for a leading Indonesian payments, rewards and financial services platform.

Corporate Governance in Indonesia

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni Since corporate organizations in Indonesia largely take the form of a limited liability company, corporate governance in Indonesia is principally governed under Law No. 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liability Com­panies (the Company Law). The elucidation of Article 4 of the Company Law states that the applicability of the Com­pany Law does Corporate Governance in Indonesia

SSEK and FLI Hold Compliance Working Session for Businesses in Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants and First Law International (FLI) recently led a compliance training session designed to help companies refresh their internal familiarity with anti-corruption legislation in Indonesia and develop skills that may be used to spot potential issues. This working session was designed to start a robust conversation on this very important subject and motivate SSEK and FLI Hold Compliance Working Session for Businesses in Indonesia

Join SSEK for a Compliance Working Session for Businesses

SSEK Legal Consultants and First Law International are offering a compliance working session on Thursday, August 1, to help companies refresh their internal familiarity with anti-corruption legislation and develop skills that may be used to spot potential issues. This event is complimentary for SSEK clients (IDR 3 million for non-clients), but space is limited. If Join SSEK for a Compliance Working Session for Businesses

Guide to Corporate Governance in Indonesia

SSEK partner Rusmaini Lenggogeni has contributed the Indonesia chapter to the 2019 Chambers Corporate Governance global guide. The Corporate Governance guide provides expert legal commentary on rules, requirements practices adopted by businesses. The chapter by Rusmaini offers a comprehensive look at corporate governance rules and requirements in Indonesia, including: Corporate Governance Framework Management of the Guide to Corporate Governance in Indonesia