Expertise: Restructuring & Insolvency

Restructuring and Insolvency in Indonesia: Overview

SSEK partners Denny Rahmansyah and Mahareksha Singh Dillon have written a Q&A guide to restructuring and insolvency law in Indonesia. Restructuring and Insolvency in Indonesia: Overview The Indonesia restructuring and insolvency Q&A provides a high-level overview of the most common forms of security granted over immovable and movable property; creditors’ and shareholders’ ranking on a Restructuring and Insolvency in Indonesia: Overview

SSEK’s Michael Carl Discusses PKPU Process in Indonesia

Michael S. Carl, a foreign legal advisor at SSEK, was a featured speaker at a recent webinar, Utilising Singapore (and Other Offshore Jurisdictions) to Restructure Indonesian Companies. The webinar was organized by INSOL International and the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI). During the webinar, Michael shared that Indonesia’s PKPU (suspension of debt payment obligations) process has SSEK’s Michael Carl Discusses PKPU Process in Indonesia

SSEK’s Michael Carl to Speak at Webinar on Restructuring Indonesian Companies

Michael S. Carl, a foreign legal advisor at SSEK, is a scheduled speaker at an upcoming webinar, Utilising Singapore (and Other Offshore Jurisdictions) to Restructure Indonesian Companies. The webinar is scheduled for Monday, March 29. It is organized by INSOL International and the Asian Business Law Institute. Event Overview Singapore is emerging as the jurisdiction SSEK’s Michael Carl to Speak at Webinar on Restructuring Indonesian Companies

The Indonesia Adventure – SSEK’s Michael Carl Speaks with the Asian Business Law Institute

Being close neighbours, Indonesia and Singapore have extensive economic and human ties, and many businesses in one of the countries have operations or presence in the other. Catherine Shen of the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) spoke to Michael S. Carl, Senior Foreign Legal Adviser at SSEK Legal Consultants, on his first-hand observations of the The Indonesia Adventure – SSEK’s Michael Carl Speaks with the Asian Business Law Institute

SSEK’s Michael Carl to Speak at Webinar on Restructuring Indonesian Companies

Michael S. Carl, a foreign legal advisor at SSEK, is a scheduled speaker at an upcoming webinar, Utilising Singapore (and Other Offshore Jurisdictions) to Restructure Indonesian Companies. The webinar is scheduled for Monday, March 29. It is organized by INSOL International and the Asian Business Law Institute. Event Overview Singapore is emerging as the jurisdiction SSEK’s Michael Carl to Speak at Webinar on Restructuring Indonesian Companies

SSEK Named Leading Cross-Border Restructuring and Insolvency Firm

SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants has been recognized as one of the world\'s top cross-border restructuring and insolvency practices by Global Restructuring Review (GRR) in its 2020 GRR 100 rankings. SSEK was one of only two Indonesian law firms to receive this recognition. The GRR 100 is an annual guide to the world\'s leading cross-border restructuring and insolvency practices. The guide SSEK Named Leading Cross-Border Restructuring and Insolvency Firm

Indonesian Bankruptcy and PKPU Proceedings in a Time of COVID-19

By Denny Rahmansyah and Mahareksha Singh Dillon The COVID-19 pandemic has caused more economic harm to Indonesia than the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008. As part of efforts to check the spread of the virus, the Indonesian government has implemented a policy of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or \"PSBB”), requiring most businesses Indonesian Bankruptcy and PKPU Proceedings in a Time of COVID-19

SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesian Bankruptcy and PKPU Proceedings in a Time of COVID-19

SSEK partner Denny Rahmansyah and senior associate Mahareksha Singh Dillon have contributed an article to Asian Legal Business (ALB) on Indonesian bankruptcy and suspension of debt payment obligation (PKPU) proceedings in the wake of COVID-19. You can find the article here.  Asian Legal Business is owned by Thomson Reuters, a leading source of information for businesses SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesian Bankruptcy and PKPU Proceedings in a Time of COVID-19

SSEK Discusses Indonesian Bankruptcy Law

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) spoke at a recent ET-Asia webinar on Indonesian bankruptcy law and debt restructuring. Vitri is experienced in helping to guide companies through debt restructurings and the bankruptcy process in Indonesia. About ET-Asia  ET-Asia is a leader in organizing specialized training for corporate organizations and other partners.