Expertise: Real Estate

Real Estate in Indonesia – Pre-Contract

The Indonesian Civil Code (ICC), as the regulatory foundation for contracts, does not regulate pre-contract documents, such as letter of intent, memorandum of understanding, term sheet or other non-binding agreements, although these are customary to be entered into by the transacting parties prior to executing a binding contract. Before signing a contract as part of Real Estate in Indonesia – Pre-Contract

SSEK Partner Denny Rahmansyah on A-List of Leading Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK partner Denny Rahmansyah has been named to the Asia Business Law Journal 2021 A-List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers. Denny was nominated for the A-List by Kim Kyu Baek, the acquisition and development manager of hotel operator Ovolo Group, for his assistance on a hotel transaction in Bali. “Denny and his team were great in SSEK Partner Denny Rahmansyah on A-List of Leading Lawyers in Indonesia

Real Estate in Indonesia – Legal Liability

The owner or tenant of real estate in Indonesia may face environmental liability arising from, for instance, pollution, contamination or failure to manage hazardous and toxic materials or waste. Indonesian environmental law recognizes strict liability in the event of damages resulting from a person’s actions, business or activity that uses hazardous and toxic materials (B3), Real Estate in Indonesia – Legal Liability

Real Estate Investment Vehicles in Indonesia

By Denny Rahmansyah For domestic investors, Indonesian law recognizes vari­ous corporate vehicles, including those with (i) non-legal entity status, such as a (a) maatschap (civil partnership), (b) firm and (c) comanditer venootschape (limited partnership, or CV); or (ii) legal entity status, such as a limited liability company (perseroan terbatas, or PT) or co-operative. Small to Real Estate Investment Vehicles in Indonesia