Expertise: Infrastructure & Project Finance

Legal Review: Public-Private Partnerships in Indonesia

The concept of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) embodies one or more private parties comprising a consortium, commonly consisting of construction companies, operating companies and financiers that together undertake to finance and develop a project or asset for use by the government on behalf of the public and to be paid for over time. The types of projects Legal Review: Public-Private Partnerships in Indonesia

SSEK Partner Ira Eddymurthy Featured in Project Finance Roundtable

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, was recognized as a leading project finance lawyer in the 2016 edition of Who’s Who Legal: Project Finance. Ira was also one of three project finance experts brought together by Who’s Who Legal as part of a roundtable to discuss issues facing project finance SSEK Partner Ira Eddymurthy Featured in Project Finance Roundtable

SSEK Partner, Adviser Recognized as Leading Project Finance Lawyers for Indonesia

Ira A. Eddymurthy and Michael D. Twomey of SSEK Legal Consultants have been recognized as leading project finance lawyers for Indonesia in the 2016 edition of Who’s Who Legal: Project Finance. Ira, a founding partner of SSEK, has extensive experience working with multinationals and large domestic companies on some of the biggest, most complex projects SSEK Partner, Adviser Recognized as Leading Project Finance Lawyers for Indonesia

SSEK Highly Ranked in New IFLR1000 Energy & Infrastructure Guide

SSEK is highly ranked in the 2016 edition of IFLR1000 Energy & Infrastructure, which identifies the leading law firms and individual lawyers in this area. SSEK was noted by clients as experienced in handling international clients. Four of SSEK’s partners and foreign legal advisers were recognized as Leading Lawyers for Energy and Infrastructure. They are SSEK Highly Ranked in New IFLR1000 Energy & Infrastructure Guide

An Eye on PPP in Indonesia

By Syahdan Z. Aziz Public-private partnerships (PPPs) interest infrastructure investors in Indonesia for a number of reasons. PPP sets forth the arrangement for cooperation between the Government and private business entities in infrastructure procurement to accelerate the development of adequate and needed infrastructure. There are advantages to the PPP scheme, including the availability of government An Eye on PPP in Indonesia

SSEK Advises Daewoo International Corporation on Funding for Copper Project

SSEK Legal Consultants has acted as Indonesian counsel to Daewoo International Corporation in connection with a US$210 million funding for the expansion of Australia-listed Finders Resources’ copper cathode plants (known as the Wetar Copper Project) in Indonesia’s Maluku Province. This US$210 million funding consists of a credit approved commitment letter with a group of four SSEK Advises Daewoo International Corporation on Funding for Copper Project