Expertise: Foreign Investment

Indonesian Investment Stimulus – DNI Revision, New Business Sectors Opened to Foreign Capital

In an effort to stimulate investment in Indonesia, the government announced on Friday, November 16, 2018, that it had launched the 16th Economic Policy Package, with the primary objective of relaxing investment-related regulations. There are three key points to this latest economic package: (i) the revision of the Negative Investment List (Daftar Negatif Investasi or Indonesian Investment Stimulus – DNI Revision, New Business Sectors Opened to Foreign Capital

SSEK Partner a Panelist at Discussion on ‘Globalization Redefined’

Rusmaini Lenggogeni, a partner at SSEK , was a panelist at a recent event in Rome on “Globalization Redefined.” The discussion was organized by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and was held in conjunction with the International Bar Association’s annual conference. Rusmaini was on the panel for the session titled “The Next SoftBank.” This session examined the SSEK Partner a Panelist at Discussion on ‘Globalization Redefined’

SSEK Adviser Michael Carl Discusses Foreign Investment Regulation and M&A Transactions in Indonesia at LAWASIA Conference

Michael S. Carl, an international legal adviser at SSEK, was a featured speaker at the recent LAWASIA Conference in Tokyo. Michael discussed foreign investment regulation and M&A transactions in Indonesia. Michael joined SSEK in 2004 and has nearly 20 years of experience practicing law in Southeast Asia. Before joining SSEK, he was associated with the SSEK Adviser Michael Carl Discusses Foreign Investment Regulation and M&A Transactions in Indonesia at LAWASIA Conference

Indonesian Negative Investment List vs. Cabotage Principle: ASEAN Investors Afloat in a Sea of Uncertainty in Indonesia

In furtherance of Indonesia’s commitment to welcome the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, Presidential Regulation Number 39 Year 2014 regarding List of Business Fields Closed to Investment and Business Fields Open, with Conditions, to Investment, dated April 24, 2014 (the 2014 DNI), continues to treat foreign investors from ASEAN countries differently Indonesian Negative Investment List vs. Cabotage Principle: ASEAN Investors Afloat in a Sea of Uncertainty in Indonesia