Expertise: Foreign Investment

SSEK Featured at Webinar for Chinese Investors on Investment in Indonesia and Thailand

SSEK Law Firm partner Fransiscus Rodyanto and associate Bima Danubrata Adhijoso spoke at a recent webinar for Chinese investors on the foreign investment environment in Indonesia and Thailand. The event was organized by Fangda Partners. Frans and Bima discussed the regulatory environment in Indonesia for foreign direct investment and fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for FDI. SSEK Featured at Webinar for Chinese Investors on Investment in Indonesia and Thailand

SSEK Partners Take Stage at IPBA Regional Conference in Jakarta

Jakarta hosted the recently concluded Inter-Pacific Bar Association regional conference, held at InterContinental Jakarta Pondok Indah and co-sponsored by SSEK Law Firm. The conference, “Capitalizing on Indonesia’s Imperative Capitals: The New Capital City, Human Capital, and Investment Capital,” discussed the latest updates on Indonesia’s new Capital City of Nusantara (Ibu Kota Nusantara or “IKN”), upcoming SSEK Partners Take Stage at IPBA Regional Conference in Jakarta

Vessel-Owning JV Companies Must Have Indonesian Shipping Company as Majority Shareholder for Vessel Registration

Following the enactment of the Omnibus Law (Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation) on November 2, 2020, the Government of Indonesia issued various implementing government regulations to regulate a wide array of sectors, including the shipping sector. On February 2, 2021, the Government of Indonesia issued Government Regulation No. 31 of 2021 dated Vessel-Owning JV Companies Must Have Indonesian Shipping Company as Majority Shareholder for Vessel Registration

Fintech – Indonesia

Lexology GTDT – Fintech 2024 This quick reference guide provides insight into fintech innovation and government/regulatory support; regulatory bodies and regulated activities; cross-border regulation; regulation of sales and marketing and of changes of control; financial crime; peer-to-peer and marketplace lending; artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology and crypto-assets; data protection and cybersecurity; outsourcing and cloud computing; Fintech – Indonesia

Indonesia Capital City of Nusantara: New Regulation Establishes Special Authorities of IKN Authority

The Indonesian government continues taking steps to ensure legal certainty over Indonesia’s plan to relocate its capital from Jakarta to the Capital City of Nusantara (Ibu Kota Nusantara or “IKN”), as it recently issued Government Regulation (“GR”) No. 27 of 2023 dated May 15, 2023, regarding the Special Authorities of the IKN Authority (“GR 27/2023”). Indonesia Capital City of Nusantara: New Regulation Establishes Special Authorities of IKN Authority

SSEK Partner Discusses FDI in Indonesia in New Podcast Episodes

SSEK Law Firm partner Nico Mooduto recently sat down with Conventus Law to record several episodes for The Heart of the Matter, a podcast that covers legal developments around the world. Over four episodes, Nico discusses foreign direct investment in Indonesia, regulations facing foreign investment in Indonesia, incentives available to investors and the Indonesian real SSEK Partner Discusses FDI in Indonesia in New Podcast Episodes

Indonesia’s Capital Idea: New Regulation Encourages Investment in Nusantara

As Indonesia moves toward formally relocating its capital from Jakarta to Nusantara, in Kalimantan, the government recently issued a regulation meant to ease the process of doing business in the new capital and encourage companies to invest in Nusantara. Government Regulation No. 12 of 2023 regarding Business Licensing, Ease of Doing Business, and Capital Investment Indonesia’s Capital Idea: New Regulation Encourages Investment in Nusantara

Easing of Foreign Investment Restrictions for Distribution Business in Indonesia

The issuance of Indonesia’s Job Creation Law (Law Number 11 of 2020) and the New Investment List eased foreign investment restrictions for businesses across the country’s economy. For distributor businesses, the previous foreign ownership cap of 67% was removed to allow in principle 100% foreign capital, a loosening that could result in greater foreign investment Easing of Foreign Investment Restrictions for Distribution Business in Indonesia

SSEK Featured at Webinar on Foreign Investment in the Distribution Business in Indonesia

SSEK partner Stephen Igor Warokka took part in the recent webinar Legal Survey on Distribution in Indonesia. The webinar, which was geared toward Japanese companies, was hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Also speaking at the event was a representative from the Japan-headquartered SSEK Featured at Webinar on Foreign Investment in the Distribution Business in Indonesia