Expertise: Environment

Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management Business Licensing in Indonesia

The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry has issued an implementing regulation that addresses required licensing for hazardous and toxic waste (“LB3”) management business activities. SSEK’s Denny Rahmansyah and Shafira A. Hexagraha look at the specific procedures to secure LB3 Management Business Licensing for Business Actors, including the relevant Indonesian Standard Industrial Classifications (“KBLIs”) for Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management Business Licensing in Indonesia

ESG in Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm foreign legal advisor Michael S. Carl and senior associate Aldilla Stephanie Suwana have contributed the Indonesia chapter to a new publication on ESG in Asia Pacific. ESG in APAC will help businesses unpack the current regulatory landscape across 16 jurisdictions and get a sense of the direction of ESG reporting, transition planning ESG in Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm Partner Helps Lead UC Berkeley Alumni on Tour of Future Indonesian Capital

SSEK Law Firm partner Stephen Igor Warokka helped lead a recent visit to Indonesia’s planned new capital, Capital City of Nusantara (Ibu Kota Nusantara or “IKN”), by a group of University of California, Berkeley alumni from Berkeley Club Indonesia. The Berkeley Club members got a look at some of the construction under way in the SSEK Law Firm Partner Helps Lead UC Berkeley Alumni on Tour of Future Indonesian Capital

ESG Regulations: Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm partner Denny Rahmansyah, senior associate Aldilla Stephanie Suwana and associate Albertus Jonathan Sukardi have contributed the Indonesia chapter to a regional guide on ESG regulations. With growing awareness of the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards pushing companies in Asia and around the globe to higher levels of accountability, Asia Business ESG Regulations: Indonesia

Legal Alert: Indonesia – New Regulation on Carbon Trading for the Forestry Sector

The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (“MOEF”) is continuing to develop the regulatory framework for carbon trading in Indonesia. First it issued an umbrella regulation, Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2021 on Carbon Economic Value (the “CEV Regulation”), which was followed by MOEF Regulation No. 21 of 2022 (“MOEF Regulation 21/2022”). Now the MOEF Legal Alert: Indonesia – New Regulation on Carbon Trading for the Forestry Sector

Climate Regulation – Indonesia

Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Climate Regulation 2023 Climate Regulation is a quick reference guide including the main climate regulations, policies and authorities; national emission levels, limits and emission reduction projects; emission allowances and trading; energy and non-energy sector regulation; renewable energy consumption, policy and general regulation, including carbon capture and storage; climate matters Climate Regulation – Indonesia

Indonesia’s Capital Idea: New Regulation Encourages Investment in Nusantara

As Indonesia moves toward formally relocating its capital from Jakarta to Nusantara, in Kalimantan, the government recently issued a regulation meant to ease the process of doing business in the new capital and encourage companies to invest in Nusantara. Government Regulation No. 12 of 2023 regarding Business Licensing, Ease of Doing Business, and Capital Investment Indonesia’s Capital Idea: New Regulation Encourages Investment in Nusantara

SSEK’s Aldilla S. Suwana Named ALB Indonesia Rising Star

SSEK associate Aldilla S. Suwana has been named an Asian Legal Business (ALB) Indonesia Rising Star 2023. ALB Indonesia Rising Stars highlights the country’s top up-and-coming lawyers who are delivering exceptional performance while winning wide acclaim and favorable remarks from clients. Aldilla joined SSEK in 2018. Her practice focuses on energy and natural resources, environmental SSEK’s Aldilla S. Suwana Named ALB Indonesia Rising Star

Nationalisation Risk: Will Host Countries Hedge Their Bets Between Article 6 and the Voluntary Carbon Markets?

COP27 has affirmed the view that country authorisation frameworks are a critical issue in making Article 6 markets operational. Countries will have to enact legislation to establish or put in place a national control or authorisation framework (National Framework) to facilitate or enable them to (i) comply with their Paris Agreement reporting obligations under Articles Nationalisation Risk: Will Host Countries Hedge Their Bets Between Article 6 and the Voluntary Carbon Markets?

SSEK Assists SYSTEMIQ on Local Waste Management Projects in Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants has assisted SYSTEMIQ, a systems change company, in its work with its partners in Indonesia to design and implement local waste management projects. These projects are designed and operated to be self-sustaining through the generation of plastic credits and other local revenue sources (e.g., household waste fees, material sales). Plastic credits are SSEK Assists SYSTEMIQ on Local Waste Management Projects in Indonesia