Expertise: Energy, Mining & Geothermal

No New Mining Licenses – A Reminder to Governors in Indonesia

Indonesia’s acting Director General of Mining and Coal (“DGMC“) has issued a letter to the country’s provincial Governors to emphasize that the moratorium on the issuance of new mining licenses is still in place. DGMC letter No. 809/30.01/DJB/2020 (“DGMC Letter 809/2020“), issued July 9, 2020, emphasizes the transitional provision of Article 173C of Law No. No New Mining Licenses – A Reminder to Governors in Indonesia

SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s New Mining Law to Coal & Minerals Asia

SSEK partners Fitriana Mahiddin and Fransiscus Rodyanto have contributed an article to Coal & Minerals Asia magazine. The article looks at the long-awaited amendment to Indonesia’s Mining Law and the significant changes this amendment promises to introduce to the sector and how mining companies operate in the country. Coal & Minerals Asia is published by Petromindo, SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s New Mining Law to Coal & Minerals Asia

Indonesia Introduces Significant Changes to Mining Law

By Fitriana Mahiddin, Fransiscus Rodyanto and Ahmad Charlie Rivai Malessy Indonesia\'s House of Representatives has passed a long-awaited amendment to the Mining Law, which promises to introduce significant changes to the sector and how mining companies operate in the country. After years of deliberation, the House passed the bill (the \"Mining Bill”) on May 12, Indonesia Introduces Significant Changes to Mining Law

Webinar on COVID-19: Understanding Force Majeure in the Indonesian Mining Sector

CoalAsia and are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, May 20, from 2-3:30 pm on COVID-19 and force majeure in the Indonesian mining sector. SSEK will be featured at the webinar with a discussion of potential force majeure disputes between suppliers of mining commodities and their customers. This webinar will explore potential force majeure claims Webinar on COVID-19: Understanding Force Majeure in the Indonesian Mining Sector

Mining in Indonesia – Restrictions on the Processing, Export or Sale of Minerals

Mining companies in Indonesia must refine or process mining products domestically. Mining companies can construct their own smelter or enter a cooperation with other mining or smelter companies through the sale and purchase of ore or concentrate, or the joint construction of a smelter, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Mining in Indonesia – Restrictions on the Processing, Export or Sale of Minerals

Mining Rights and Title in Indonesia

By Fitriana Mahiddin and Karisa Pangaribuan Indonesia\'s Constitution stipulates that Indonesia\'s natural resources are controlled by the state and must be used for the maximum benefit of the Indonesian people. Article 4, paragraph 2 of Law 4/2009 on Coal and Mineral Mining enables the government to exercise control over mineral mining activities. The government has Mining Rights and Title in Indonesia

Michael Carl of SSEK Discusses Investment in Indonesia at China Mining Conference

Michael S. Carl, an international legal adviser at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, was a featured speaker at the recent China Mining conference in Tianjin. Michael was part of the \"Mining Cooperation Forum on the Belt and Road” session. He gave a presentation on the investment climate in Indonesia in the wake of China\'s Belt and Michael Carl of SSEK Discusses Investment in Indonesia at China Mining Conference

Does National Insurance Requirement Mean Rough Seas for Coal Shipments?

By Fransiscus Rodyanto and Bima Danubrata Adhijoso A recently published surveyor report (laporan surveryor) on Indonesian coal exports noted that as of March 2019, of 1,095 coal shipments in 2019 only 9% were insured under a national insurance company. This number is alarming for both the Government and coal exporters in Indonesia, given that just Does National Insurance Requirement Mean Rough Seas for Coal Shipments?