Expertise: Energy, Mining & Geothermal

Free Webinar on the Omnibus Jobs Law and the Indonesian Oil and Gas, Mining and Power Sectors

Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am Jakarta time Indonesia\'s highly anticipated Omnibus Bill on Job Creation has been passed into law. During this complimentary webinar, lawyers from SSEK Legal Consultants will discuss changes in the Indonesian oil and gas, mining and power sectors under the new law and how those changes Free Webinar on the Omnibus Jobs Law and the Indonesian Oil and Gas, Mining and Power Sectors

Indonesia Omnibus Bill – Changes to the Electricity Law

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) recently passed the Omnibus Bill on Job Creation (the “Omnibus Bill“). The stated aim of the Omnibus Bill is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Bill, among other things, amends Indonesia Omnibus Bill – Changes to the Electricity Law

Indonesia Omnibus Bill – Changes to the Mining Law

The Indonesian House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or “DPR“) recently passed the Omnibus Bill on Job Creation (the “Omnibus Bill“). The stated aim of the Omnibus Bill is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Bill Indonesia Omnibus Bill – Changes to the Mining Law

Mining in Indonesia – Principal Laws and Regulatory Bodies

In addition to the Indonesian Constitution, the principal law that regulates the mining industry is Law 4/2009 on Coal and Mineral Mining (Law 4/2009), the amendment of which, under the draft Amendment to Law 4/2009 (the Mining Law Amendment), was recently ratified by the House of Representatives. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Mining in Indonesia – Principal Laws and Regulatory Bodies