Expertise: Energy, Mining & Geothermal

SSEK to Speak at Asia Nickel Conference

Michael S. Carl, an international legal adviser at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, will be a featured speaker at the 5th Annual Asia Nickel event being held November 18-19 in Jakarta. Michael will offer a legal perspective on building smelters in Indonesia, touching on topics like foreign investment policies and foreign ownership structures, licensing, land acquisition, SSEK to Speak at Asia Nickel Conference

Regulation Curbs Power of Local Authorities in Mining Sector

The Indonesian Government appears to be getting serious about stripping Regents of the authority to issue mining licenses. The Government took the first steps in this direction with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Regulation No. 27 of 2013 dated September 13, 2013 regarding Procedures for the Divestment of Shares and Changes to Capital Regulation Curbs Power of Local Authorities in Mining Sector

SSEK Foreign Legal Advisor Recognized as Leading Mining Practitioner

Michael S. Carl, a foreign legal advisor at SSEK Legal Consultants, has been recognized by Who’s Who Legal as one of the leading Mining practitioners in Indonesia. Michael is a supervising advisor of the firm’s mining practice. He specializes in mining, energy, infrastructure, finance, insolvency and restructurings, and M&A. Michael joined SSEK in 2004 and SSEK Foreign Legal Advisor Recognized as Leading Mining Practitioner

Michael Carl of SSEK Included in Indonesia Mining Report

Global Business Reports has produced a comprehensive report on Indonesia’s mining industry for the Energy & Mining Journal. The report, titled “Indonesian Mining Industry in Transition: Navigating the World’s Last Great Mining Frontier,” looks at developments in the sector and the prospects for future investment. The report notes that Indonesia is among the world’s largest Michael Carl of SSEK Included in Indonesia Mining Report

New Geothermal Energy Law: New Hope for Geothermal Energy Development in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the world’s most volcanically active countries and among the countries with the greatest geothermal energy potential. Dwindling production of traditional energy sources such as oil and gas has the Government of Indonesia (GOI) seeking alternatives to maximize national energy production. That includes developing geothermal energy, which is expected to play a New Geothermal Energy Law: New Hope for Geothermal Energy Development in Indonesia

SSEK Named Leading Energy and Infrastructure Firm in Indonesia

SSEK has been recognized by IFLR1000 as a leading Energy and Infrastructure firm in Indonesia. In recognizing SSEK, IFLR1000 noted that the firm is known for its standout expertise in the energy, natural resources and telecommunications sectors, and that mining, oil and gas, and power projects dominate their projects work. Michael D. Twomey, a senior SSEK Named Leading Energy and Infrastructure Firm in Indonesia

Indonesian Regulation on Coal Supply and Pricing for Mine-Mouth Power Plants

Michael S. Carl, a foreign legal advisor at SSEK Legal Consultants in Jakarta, Indonesia, was a featured speaker at the recent Petromindo mine-mouth power plant workshop. Michael discussed the legal implications of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 10 of 2014 on security of coal supply and the pricing of coal for mine-mouth Indonesian Regulation on Coal Supply and Pricing for Mine-Mouth Power Plants

MOF Issues New Regulation Governing Borrow-Use Permit for Mining Activities in Indonesia

By Michael S. Carl On March 13, 2014, Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry (“MOF”) issued MOF Regulation No. P.16/Menhut-II.2014 (Reg P.16/2014), which sets out the currently applicable requirements and procedures for the issuing of Borrow-Use Permits. The new regulation replaces but does not fundamentally alter the previous regulation governing Borrow-Use Permits, MOF Regulation No. P.18/Menhut-II/2011 dated MOF Issues New Regulation Governing Borrow-Use Permit for Mining Activities in Indonesia