Expertise: carbon trade

Climate Regulation – Indonesia

Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Climate Regulation 2024 Climate Regulation is a quick reference guide covering the main climate regulations, policies and authorities; national emission levels, limits and emission reduction projects; emission allowances and trading; energy and non-energy sector regulation; renewable energy consumption, policy and general regulation, including carbon capture and storage; climate matters Climate Regulation – Indonesia

Renewable Energy – Indonesia

Mondaq Renewable Energy Guide The Mondaq Renewable Energy comparative guide provides an overview of some of the key points of law and practice, including utility-scale renewables projects, distributed generation projects, taxes and incentives, financing structures, competition, disputes and more. Download Mondaq Renewable Energy – Indonesia.

ESG in Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm foreign legal advisor Michael S. Carl and senior associate Aldilla Stephanie Suwana have contributed the Indonesia chapter to a new publication on ESG in Asia Pacific. ESG in APAC will help businesses unpack the current regulatory landscape across 16 jurisdictions and get a sense of the direction of ESG reporting, transition planning ESG in Indonesia

Indonesia Renewable Energy Update: Overview of Carbon Trading for Power Plants

Presidential Regulation No. 112 of 2022 on the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Supply set in stone Indonesia’s energy transition strategy. Not long after that, at a G20 event, the Government of Indonesia declared its participation in Just Energy Transition Partnership as a platform to finance the decommissioning of Coal-Fired Power Plants. In Indonesia Renewable Energy Update: Overview of Carbon Trading for Power Plants

ESG Regulations: Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm partner Denny Rahmansyah, senior associate Aldilla Stephanie Suwana and associate Albertus Jonathan Sukardi have contributed the Indonesia chapter to a regional guide on ESG regulations. With growing awareness of the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards pushing companies in Asia and around the globe to higher levels of accountability, Asia Business ESG Regulations: Indonesia

Legal Alert: Indonesia – New Regulation on Carbon Trading for the Forestry Sector

The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (“MOEF”) is continuing to develop the regulatory framework for carbon trading in Indonesia. First it issued an umbrella regulation, Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2021 on Carbon Economic Value (the “CEV Regulation”), which was followed by MOEF Regulation No. 21 of 2022 (“MOEF Regulation 21/2022”). Now the MOEF Legal Alert: Indonesia – New Regulation on Carbon Trading for the Forestry Sector