Expertise: Arbitration & Dispute Resolution

SSEK Partners Recognized for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific

Three SSEK Law Firm partners were recognized as leading practitioners for Indonesia in the 2023 edition of Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific, the definitive guide to the region’s leading dispute resolution firms and lawyers. Dewi Savitri Reni was recognized as a Litigation Star and was named to the Top 100 Women in Litigation – Asia Pacific. Mahareksha SSEK Partners Recognized for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific

SSEK Partner Mahareksha S. Dillon to Speak at Asset Recovery Asia Event

SSEK Law Firm partner Mahareksha S. Dillon will be a featured speaker at an upcoming Asset Recovery Asia conference, Fraud Litigation, Enforcement & Contentious Insolvency. The conference is scheduled for May 21-23, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Asset Recovery conference series is the premium conference series for fraud and insolvency practitioners. This Asia-focused event brings SSEK Partner Mahareksha S. Dillon to Speak at Asset Recovery Asia Event

SSEK Top Tier for Indonesia in New Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Rankings

SSEK Law Firm earned two top-tier firm rankings for Indonesia in the 2023 edition of Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific, the definitive guide to the region’s leading dispute resolution firms and lawyers. In addition, three SSEK partners were recognized as leading dispute resolution lawyers for Indonesia. SSEK was ranked Tier 1 for:   Insolvency Labor and Employment SSEK Top Tier for Indonesia in New Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Rankings

SSEK Partner Ira A. Eddymurthy Named to BANI Panel of Arbitrators

SSEK\'s Ira A. Eddymurthy has been admitted to the Indonesian National Board of Arbitration (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia or BANI) panel of arbitrators. Ira is a founding partner of SSEK and one of Indonesia\'s most experienced and highly regarded lawyers. She has more than three decades of experience advising multinationals and domestic companies on Indonesia\'s SSEK Partner Ira A. Eddymurthy Named to BANI Panel of Arbitrators

Dispute Resolution in Indonesia

SSEK partner Mahareksha S. Dillon and Daniel Nicholas P. Pakpahan, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution 2022. This multi-jurisdictional guide provides local insights into litigation, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including court systems; limitation issues; starting proceedings and timetable for proceedings; Dispute Resolution in Indonesia

YSIAC Virtual Conference – Arbitration in Focus

YSIAC, the Young SIAC committee of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), is hosting the YSIAC Conference 2021, which will be held virtually over three days from November 9 to 11. This year’s conference will feature a series of webinars on topics including environmental, social and governance (ESG) disputes, the impact of cryptocurrency, blockchain and YSIAC Virtual Conference – Arbitration in Focus

YSIAC Webinar – Arbitration: Setting Off on the Right Foot

YSIAC, the Young SIAC committee of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), is hosting a webinar on Friday, October 22. The webinar, Arbitration: Setting Off on the Right Foot, will explore best practices to avoid a wrong step from arbitration agreement to award. About the webinar Consent lies at the heart of arbitration. From parties’ YSIAC Webinar – Arbitration: Setting Off on the Right Foot

SIAC Virtual Congress – All About Arbitration

The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) is holding its 2021 Virtual Congress on Friday, September 10. The event is free to attend. The event will feature discussions of issues including the roles of international arbitration and international commercial courts in international dispute resolution, if governments’ responses to the Covid-19 pandemic will lead to a spike SIAC Virtual Congress – All About Arbitration

SSEK Recognized for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific

SSEK Legal Consultants has been named a leading dispute resolution law firm for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2021, a guide to the region\'s leading dispute resolution and litigation law firms and lawyers. SSEK was ranked for Insolvency, Commercial and Transactions, and Labor and Employment. SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni was named a Dispute Resolution SSEK Recognized for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific

Indonesia Shipping Law – Maritime Claims

Maritime claims are already regulated in Indonesia under Law No. 17 of 2008 regarding Shipping (the “Shipping Law”). However, under the elucidation of Article 223 of the Shipping Law, maritime claims are conducted in accordance with the provisions on vessel arrest. According to Article 222 of the Shipping Law, requests for vessel arrests are submitted Indonesia Shipping Law – Maritime Claims