Expertise: Arbitration & Dispute Resolution

Quick Look at ADR in Indonesia

The main alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods in Indonesia are mediation, adjudication and conciliation, with mediation being the most popular. Most Indonesian parties attempt to settle disputes amicably through discussion and negotiation without a particular ADR framework. ADR is commonly used in sectors such as construction and mining. Construction disputes are often settled through adjudication, Quick Look at ADR in Indonesia

SSEK Partner Mahareksha Dillon to Speak at 6th ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day

SSEK Law Firm partner Mahareksha Singh Dillon will speak at the 6th ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day in Jakarta on September 4, 2024. Mahareksha will be part of the panel on “Welcoming change of tides: New developments in arbitration law and practice in Indonesia.” The panel will discuss the changes introduced by Indonesia Supreme Court Regulation SSEK Partner Mahareksha Dillon to Speak at 6th ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day

SSEK Founding Partner Moderates Session at BANI Seminar on Development of Arbitration in Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm founding partner Ira A. Eddymurthy moderated a session at the recent Indonesian National Board of Arbitration (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia or BANI) seminar on “The Outlook of Arbitration in Indonesia.” Ira, who has been admitted to the BANI panel of arbitrators, moderated the opening session on the development of arbitration in Indonesia SSEK Founding Partner Moderates Session at BANI Seminar on Development of Arbitration in Indonesia

Outlook for Arbitration in Indonesia – BANI Seminar

The Indonesian National Board of Arbitration (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia or BANI) is hosting a seminar on Thursday, July 25, on “The Outlook of Arbitration in Indonesia.” The seminar will cover:   Development of arbitration in Indonesia following Supreme Court Regulation No. 3 of 2023 Emergency arbitration Online dispute resolution (ODR) in Indonesia and beyond Outlook for Arbitration in Indonesia – BANI Seminar

SSEK Named Elite One Practice Leader, Top Firm at Indonesia Law Firm Awards

SSEK Law Firm was recognized as one of Indonesia’s largest and leading full-service law firms and an elite firm in numerous practice areas at the Hukumonline Top 100 Indonesia Law Firm Awards 2024. The awards honor law firms for their outstanding achievements and steadfast commitment to legal excellence, recognizing the dedication, hard work and innovation SSEK Named Elite One Practice Leader, Top Firm at Indonesia Law Firm Awards

Dispute Resolution – Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm partner Mahareksha Singh Dillon and associate Talitha Amanda Ekadhani have contributed the Indonesia chapter to the Lexology Panoramic: Dispute Resolution 2024 practice guide. Dispute Resolution – Indonesia provides local insight into litigation, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including court systems; limitation issues; pre-action behavior, starting proceedings and timetable for proceedings; case Dispute Resolution – Indonesia

Outlook for Arbitration in Indonesia

The Indonesian National Board of Arbitration (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia or BANI) is hosting a seminar on Thursday, July 25, on “The Outlook of Arbitration in Indonesia.” The seminar will cover:   Development of arbitration in Indonesia following Supreme Court Regulation No. 3 of 2023 Emergency arbitration Online dispute resolution (ODR) in Indonesia and beyond Outlook for Arbitration in Indonesia

SSEK Partners Recognized for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific

Three SSEK Law Firm partners were recognized as leading practitioners for Indonesia in the 2024 edition of Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific, the definitive guide to the region’s leading dispute resolution firms and lawyers. Dewi Savitri Reni was recognized as a Litigation Star. Mahareksha S. Dillon was named a Future Star and was named to the Top SSEK Partners Recognized for Indonesia in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific