SSEK Law Firm founding partner Ira A. Eddymurthy, partner Denny Rahmansyah and foreign legal advisor Jonathan M. Streifer have been recognized as In-House Community Commended External Counsel of the Year 2024 for Indonesia.
The Commended External Counsel of the Year awards recognize private practice lawyers who consistently exceed client expectations. They celebrate the invaluable collaboration between external counsel and in-house legal teams.
Winners are chosen through recommendations, votes and testimonials from in-house counsel and other legal service buyers across Asia and the Middle East. The award underscores the vital role external counsel play in strengthening and expanding the capabilities of in-house legal departments.
The In-House Community is a mutually supportive community helping in-house counsel and compliance professionals meet their ethical, legal and business commitments and responsibilities within their organizations. The In-House Community is comprised of more than 21,000 in-house lawyers and those with a responsibility for legal and compliance issues within organizations in the Asia Pacific and the Middle East.