SSEK, with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tokyo (KBRI Tokyo), the Indonesian Ministry of Trade and the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), recently hosted a high-level webinar for Japanese companies and investors doing business or interested in doing business in Indonesia.
The webinar, "Indonesia - Japan Trade & Investment Post Covid-19: A New Frontier," featured Indonesia's Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mahendra Siregar, as an honored guest speaker and Tri Purnajaya, the Chargé d'affaires ad interim at KBRI Tokyo, as the keynote speaker.
There were presentations by Ni Made A Marthini, the director of bilateral trade negotiations at the Indonesian Ministry of Trade; Dr. Indra Darmawan, the director of regional promotion at the BKPM; Adiel Jasim, director of Belitung Maritime Ecotourism Development at the Tanjung Kelayang Special Economic Zone; and Mori Hamada & Matsumoto partner Tetsu Takeuchi.
SSEK founding partner Dyah Soewito gave the opening remarks and the event was moderated by SSEK partner Stephen Igor Warokka.
Speakers discussed, among other topics, the latest on the Indonesia - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA), the potential for manufacturing investment in Indonesia, including government incentives/facilities available to investors, opportunities in Indonesia's digital economy, and updates on the investment regulatory framework in Indonesia.